Valid Names Results
Formicococcus robustus (Ezzat & McConnell, 1956) (Pseudococcidae: Formicococcus)Nomenclatural History
- Pseudococcus crotonis; Ramakrishna Ayyar 1919a: 41. misidentification (discovered by Willia2004a, 307).
- Planococcoides robustus Ezzat & McConnell 1956: 59. Type data: INDIA: intercepted at New York, U.S.A., on Mangifera indica. Holotype, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Indococcus pipalae Ali 1967a: 35. Type data: INDIA: Bihar, Wani near Pusa, on Ficus religiosa. Holotype, female, Type depository: Calcutta: Department of Zoology, Calcutta University, West Bengal, India; junior synonym (discovered by Willia2004a, 307). Illustr.
- Dysmicoccus cucurbitae Avasthi & Shafee 1986a: 437. Type data: INDIA: Uttar Pradesh, Aligarh, on Cucurbita pepo. Holotype, female, Type depository: Aligarh: Aligarh Muslim University, Department of Zoology, India; junior synonym (discovered by Willia2004a, 307). Illustr.
- Planococcoides robustus; Ezzat & McConnell, 1956; Nur, Brown & Beardsley 1987: 55. subsequent use Notes: Incorrect citation of "Ezzat" as author.
- Planococcoides bengalensis Ghosh & Ghose 1988: 604. Type data: INDIA: Bengal, Kalyani, on Ficus bengalensis. Holotype, female, Type depository: Kalyani: Department of Agricultural Entomology, Bihan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal, India; junior synonym (discovered by Willia2004a, 307). Illustr.
- Ferrisicoccus cucurbitae (Avasthi & Shafee, 1986); Tang 1992: 286. change of combination
- Ferrisicoccus psidii Mukhopadhyay & Ghose 1994: 71. Type data: INDIA: Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore, on Psidium guajava. Holotype, female, Type depository: Kalyani: Department of Agricultural Entomology, Bihan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal, India; junior synonym (discovered by Willia2004a, 307). Illustr.
- Formicococcus robustus (Ezzat & McConnell, 1956); Williams 2004a: 307. change of combination
- Paraputo robustus (Ezzat & McConnell, 1956); Danzig & Gavrilov-Zimin 2015: 18. change of combination
- Formicococcus robustus (Ezzat & McConnell, 1956); Joshi, et al. 2020: 393. revived combination (previously published)
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 16 | Genera: 24
- Acanthaceae
- Crossandra | BenDov1994 Varshn1992
- Anacardiaceae
- Lannea coromandelica | BenDov1994 Varshn1992
- Mangifera indica | AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 EzzatMc1956 Willia2004a
- Annonaceae
- Annona squamosa | Willia2004a
- Apocynaceae
- Tabernaemontana | Willia2004a
- Arecaceae
- Phoenix dactylifera | AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 Varshn1992
- Asteraceae
- Conyza bonariensis | BenDov1994 Varshn1992 | (= Conyza ambigua)
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cucurbita maxima | Willia2004a
- Cucurbita pepo | AvasthSh1986a AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 Varshn1992
- Fabaceae
- Acacia nilotica | BenDov1994 Varshn1992 | (= Acacia arabica)
- Albizia lebbeck | BenDov1994 Varshn1992
- Erythrina | BenDov1994 Varshn1992
- Erythrina variegata | Willia2004a | (= Erythrina indica)
- Prosopis cineraria | Moghad2004a | (= Prosopis spicigera)
- Vachellia nilotica | BenDov1994 Varshn1992
- Gnetaceae
- Gnetum luofuense | MartinLa2011
- Moraceae
- Artocarpus heterophylla | BenDov1994 Varshn1992
- Ficus benghalensis | BenDov1994 GhoshGh1988LC Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Ficus religiosa | Ali1967a Ali1968a BenDov1994 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Morus | Willia2004a
- Myrtaceae
- Psidium guajava | MukhopGh1994
- Syzygium cumini | Willia2004a
- Papaveraceae
- Argemone mexicana | Willia2004a
- Rhamnaceae
- Ziziphus | Willia2004a
- Rubiaceae
- Coffea arabica | Willia2004a
- Rutaceae
- Citrus | AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 Willia2004a
- Vitaceae
- Vitis vinifera | BenDov1994 Varshn1992
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 5
- Bangladesh | BenDov1994 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- China
- Yunnan | Wu2009 ZhangWu2022
- India | AvasthSh1986a AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Andhra Pradesh | Willia2004a
- Bihar | Willia2004a
- Gujarat | Willia2004a
- Karnataka | Willia2004a
- Kerala | Willia2004a
- Madhya Pradesh | Willia2004a
- Maharashtra | GodseBh2003 Willia2004a
- Odisha (=Orissa) | Willia2004a
- Tamil Nadu | MukhopGh1994
- Uttar Pradesh | DownieGu2004 Willia2004a
- West Bengal | Willia2004a
- Iran | Moghad2004a Moghad2009
- Pakistan | BenDov1994 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- JoshiGuSh2022: pp.229 ( Adult (F) ) [Indian Formicococcus species]
- ZhangWu2022: pp.165-166 ( Adult (F) ) [Palaearctic and Oriental Formicococcus species]
- TanakaSuKa2021: pp.173-175 ( Adult (F) ) [Oriental Formicococcus]
- TanakaSuKa2021: pp.173-175 ( Adult (F) ) [Oriental Formicococcus]
- TanakaSuKa2021a: pp.202-204 ( Adult (F) ) [Formicococcus species in the Oriental region]
- JoshiBiGu2020: pp.399 ( Adult (F) ) [Formicococcus in India]
- Willia2004a: pp.273-274 ( Adult (F) ) [Formicococcus species of southern Asia]
- Tang1992: pp.293 ( Adult (F) ) [Palaearctic & Oriental regions]
- AvasthSh1987: pp.15 ( Adult (F) ) [India]
- AvasthSh1986a: pp.435 ( Adult (F) ) [India]
- Systematics: Williams (2004a) elucidated the intraspecific variation of taxonomic characters, and provided two diagramatic illustrations of the adult female. Danzig & Gavrilov-Zimin (2015) transferred this species to Paraputo because it has six setae in the anal apparatus. However, as discussed by Williams (2004) and Zhang & Wu (2017), the number of anal ring setae is not a robust genus-level character, especially as the number of setae can vary between the two sides of the anal ring. Furthermore, in both genera there are 6 basic anal ring setae and, if more are present, the extra setae are usually short and slender and variable in position. Adult females of Formicococcus and Paraputo are morphologically similar and these genera clearly are related, but have been distinguished by the presence (Formicococcus) or absence (Paraputo) of the anal lobe bar (Williams 2004; Zhang & Wu 2017). Formicococcus robustus and the other seven species of this genus known from India each have anal lobe bars. (Joshi, et al., 2020)
- Structure: Slide-mounted adult female broadly oval, membranous. Anal lobe with anal lobe bar either partial (present forwards from bar seta) or complete. Antennae each with 8 segments. Legs well developed. Hind leg with translucent pores on ventral and dorsal surfaces of coxa and on dorsal surface of tibia; tarsal digitules pointed at tip and longer than claw. (Moghaddam & Watson, 2022) Parida & Moharana (1982) and Moharana (1990) reported chromosome number 2n=10 in India.
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of the adult female by Ezzat & McConnell (1956), Ali (1968a), Avasthi & Shafee (1986a, 1987), Ghosh & Ghose (1988LC) and by Williams (2004a). Description and illustration (as Planococcoides bengalensis of the female and male larval instars by Ghosh & Ghose (1988LC).
- Ali1967a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 34-36
- Ali1968a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 204
- AvasthSh1986a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 435-438
- AvasthSh1987: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 16-17,34-36
- BenDov1994: catalog, 128,204,350,353-354
- DownieGu2004: distribution, host, molecular data, phylogeny, 258-259
- EzzatMc1956: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 59-60
- GhoshGh1988LC: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 604-610
- GodseBh2003: distribution, host, 1
- HardyGuHo2008: molecular data, phylogeny, taxonomy, 51-71
- JoshiBiGu2020: key, taxonomy, 393
- JoshiGuSh2022: key, 229
- MartinLa2011: catalog, distribution, host, 47
- Moghad2004a: distribution, host, 23,142
- Moghad2009: distribution, host, 19
- Moghad2013: description, distribution, illustration, structure, taxonomy, 28-29, 99
- Moghad2013a: distribution, host, 65
- MoghadWa2022: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 10. 62-63, 145
- Mohara1990: structure, 47-54
- ParidaMo1982: distribution, structure, taxonomy, 18-20
- SinhaSaDi1985: distribution, host, 16
- TanakaSuKa2021: key, 173
- TanakaSuKa2021: key, 175
- TanakaSuKa2021a: key, 202, 204
- Tang1992: distribution, host, taxonomy, 286,295,364
- Varshn1992: distribution, host, 50,53,56
- Willia2004a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 307-311
- Willia2005: taxonomy, 167
- WilliaMa2012: distribution, host, 88
- ZhangWu2022: distribution, host, key, taxonomy, 164, 166