Valid Names Results
Ferrisia quaintancii (Tinsley, 1898) (Pseudococcidae: Ferrisia)Nomenclatural History
- Dactylopius quaintancii Tinsley 1898b: 220. Type data: U.S.A.: Florida, Lake City, on Rhus copallina. Lectotype, nymphal stages, by subsequent designation (Willia1996DJ,6). Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; accepted valid name Notes: Misidentification in part, see Williams (1962:47).
- Pseudococcus quaintancii; (Tinsley, 1898); Fernald 1903b: 108. change of combination
- Erium quaintancei (Tinsley, 1898); Lindinger 1935a: 122. change of combination
- Eurycoccus quaintancei; Ferris 1950b: 86. misidentification
- Ferrisiana quaintancei (Ferris, 1950); Ferris 1953a: 362. change of combination
- Eurycoccus copallinae Ferris 1953a: 349. Type data: U.S.A.: Florida, Gainesville and Fort Myers, on Rhus copallina.. Syntypes, female, by subsequent designation Type depository: Davis: The Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, California, USA; junior synonym (discovered by KaydanGu2012, 41). Notes: Lectotype designated in Kaydan & Gullan, 2012: Ferris: adult ♀ on slide with a second adult ♀, labelled: “Trionymus / quaintancei (Tins) / From crown of / Rhus / copalina / Gainesville, Fla. / July, 1918 / C. J. Drake, coll. / GFF [=G.F. Ferris]”, UCDC type # 1789 (BME). Illustr.
- Ferrisiana quaintancei (Ferris, 1950); Ferris 1953a: 362. misspelling of species epithet
- Ferrisia quaintancii (Tinsley, 1898); McKenzie 1967. change of combination
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 1 | Genera: 1
- Anacardiaceae
- Rhus copallina | BenDov1994 Ferris1950b Ferris1953a Tinsle1898b
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 1
- United States
- Florida | BenDov1994 Ferris1950b Ferris1953a Tinsle1898b
- KaydanGu2012: pp.11-12 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Ferrisia based on adult females]
- GranarMi2004: pp.142-143 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of Eurycoccus]
- Ferris1953a: pp.349 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- Ferris1950b: pp.81 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- Systematics: The adult female of F. quaintancii is most similar to those of F. claviseta, F. gilli and F. setosa in lacking the anterior pair of ostioles. However, the adult female of F. setosa is distinctive in having an anal ring mostly with more than 12 anal ring setae (6 setae in the other three species) and fewer than 6 multilocular pores near the vulva (many more pores in the other species). The adult female of F. quaintancii can be distinguished from that of F. gilli by having many more ventral oralcollar tubular ducts in a transverse row across most abdominal segments. It differs from the adult female of F. claviseta by the lack of paired minute pores associated with the rim of the enlarged tubular ducts of F. claviseta and by having many more ventral oral-collar ducts on the abdomen. (Kaydan & Gullan, 2012)
- General Remarks: Good description and illustration of the adult female given by Ferris (1953a).Ferris (1953) notes that this species is known only from the immature specimens in the type series. The combination Eurycoccus quaintancei proposed by Ferris (1950b), together with his description and illustration, are misidentifications of Eurycoccus copalinae Ferris.Good description and illustration of the adult female given by Ferris (1950b).
- BenDov1994: catalog, 159,164
- Fernal1903b: catalog, 108
- Ferris1950b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 86-87
- Ferris1953a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 349,362
- GranarMi2004: taxonomy, 141-143
- GullanKaHa2010: molecular data, taxonomy, 329-339
- KaydanGu2012: description, distribution, host, illustration, structure, taxonomy, 41-43
- Lindin1935a: taxonomy, 122
- McKenz1967: taxonomy, 179
- Tinsle1898b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 220-221
- Willia1996DJ: distribution, host, taxonomy, 6-7
- WilliaBe2015: taxonomy, 166