Valid Names Results
Exaeretopus Newstead, 1894 (
Nomenclatural History
- Exaeretopus
1894a: 204.
Type species: Exaeretopus formiceticola Newstead
by monotypy
accepted valid name
- Exoerctopus
1894v: 1051;.
misspelling of genus name
- Exeraetopus
1928: 192;.
misspelling of genus name
- Luzulaspis (Exaeretopus)
Newstead, 1894;
1937: 96;.
change of combination
- Exaeretopus
Newstead, 1894;
1994a: 261.
revived combination (previously published)
- Systematics: Subfamily: Eriopeltinae.
- Structure: Live adult female elongate oval; immediately after moulting, yellowish; fully grown adult female yellow with two narrow or broad, longitudinal red stripes on dorsum (Koteja 1980).
Slide-mounted body oval or elongate oval, lacking stigmatic clefts. Anal cleft very short. Marginal setae usually present in more than 1 row; only anterior stigmatic area with a single stigmatic seta, stigmatic spines absent from posterior stigmatic areas. With only 1 pair of long setae present between antennal bases. Ventral tubular ducts vary in shape and size between species; dorsal tubular ducts numerous, present throughout. Legs well developed; each tibia and tarsus freely articulated, with articular sclerosis present; each prothoracic tarsus with a constriction or pseudoarticulation; claw digitules slender, with apical knobs very small; tarsal digitules sharply pointed. Anal plates each triangular, bearing 4 setae (Moghaddam & Watson 2024).
- General Remarks: Definition and characters given by Borchsenius (1957), Koteja (1978, 1980a) and by Hodgson (1994a).
- MoghadWa2024: pp.36
Adult (F)
[Genera of Coccidae in Iran]
- Pelliz2013: pp.111-112
Adult (F)
[Key to Palaearctic Genera of the Subfamily Eriopeltinae based on adult females]
- Tang1991: pp.47-48
Adult (F)
- Koteja1980a: pp.354-355
Adult (F)
- Koteja1978: pp.315
Adult (F)
- Borchs1957: pp.90, 117
Adult (F)
[Palaearctic region]
Associated References
- BenDov1993:
catalog, pp. 140
- Bodenh1928:
taxonomy, pp. 192
- Borchs1957:
description, taxonomy, pp. 116-117
- Cocker1894v:
taxonomy, pp. 1051
- Cocker1896b:
taxonomy, pp. 333
- Danzig1980b:
description, taxonomy, pp. 250
- Danzig1988:
description, taxonomy, pp. 713
- Fernal1903b:
catalog, pp. 143
- Goux1937a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 96
- Green1921:
taxonomy, pp. 195
- Hodgso1994a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 260-263
- KosztaKo1978:
taxonomy, pp. 102
- Koteja1974:
taxonomy, pp. 306
- Koteja1978:
description, taxonomy, pp. 318-320
- Koteja1980a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 337-355
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 76
- Newste1894a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 204
- Pelliz2013:
taxonomy, pp. 101,112
- Steinw1929:
description, taxonomy, pp. 228-229
- Tang1991:
description, taxonomy, pp. 47-48
- Terezn1981:
description, taxonomy, pp. 106
- XieXuZh2006a:
taxonomy, pp. 1-7
10 Species