Valid Names Results
Discochiton metallicum (Green, 1896) (Coccidae: Discochiton)Nomenclatural History
- Lecanium expansum Green 1896: 9. Type data: SRI LANKA [=CEYLON]: Punduloya, on leaves of Litzea and Dalbergia. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; accepted valid name
- Lecanium expansum metallicum Green 1904a: 205. Type data: INDONESIA: Java, Bogor (Botanic Gardens), on Myristica fragrans.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Green1904c, 377).
- Lecanium (Paralecanium) expansum metallicum Green, 1904; Green 1904b: 377. change of combination and rank
- Paralecanium expansum metallicum (Green, 1904); Sanders 1906: 9. change of combination
- Paralecanium vacuum; Takahashi 1939: 115. misidentification
- Paralecanium album Takahashi 1950a: 53. Type data: MALAYSIA: Kuantan, Bukit Cherakah, Dusun Tua, Selangor, on Durio zibethinus.. Syntypes, female, by subsequent designation Type depository: Kuala Lumpur: Selangor Museum, Malaysia; junior synonym (discovered by HodgsoWi2018, 44).
- Paralecanium metallicum (Green, 1904); Ali 1971: 38. change in status (level)
- Paralecanium expansum metallicum; (Green, 1904); Ben-Dov 1993: 203. subsequent use Notes: Green (1904b: 205) Incorrectly cited as original description. Original description in Green (1896).
- Discochiton metallicum (Green, 1904); Hodgson & Williams 2018: 44. change of combination
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 5 | Genera: 5
- Annonaceae
- Annona muricata | HodgsoWi2018
- Fabaceae
- Dalbergia | Green1896
- Lauraceae
- Litsea | Green1896
- Malvaceae
- Durio zibethinus | Takaha1950a HodgsoWi2018
- Myristicaceae
- Myristica | Ali1971 Green1904b
- Myristica fragrans | Green1904a
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 6
- Indonesia
- Java | Ali1971 Green1904a
- Malaysia | Ali1971
- Philippines
- Palawan | HodgsoWi2018
- Singapore | Ali1971
- Sri Lanka | Green1896
- Thailand | HodgsoWi2018
- HodgsoWi2018: pp.16-18 ( Adult (F) ) [species of Discochiton]
- Systematics: Unmounted material. Dorsal surface metallic and mirror-like. Differs from type, Discochiton expansum (= Lecanium expansum) in having a beautiful metallic sheen on dorsum of living insect, disappearing after treatment with potash.” (Green, 1904, p. 205 in Hodgson & Williams, 2018) Adult female D. metallicum look superficially very similar to those of P. expansum but differ in several significant character-states, in particular in having a pattern of broad sclerotised bands on the dorsum, whereas the dorsum of D. expansum is usually rather uniformly sclerotised. Additional differences are (character-states for D. expansum in brackets): (i) legs entirely absent (present as very small stubs); (ii) preopercular pores present associated with anterior three clear areas (most abundant associated with posterior clear areas, absent from most anterior clear areas); (iii) marginal setae almost circular (clearly oval); (iv) stigmatic spines usually fairly short, straight and stoutish (longer, often bent and never stout); and (v) dorsal setae finely spinose, narrowing to a blunt apex (capitate). (Hodgson & Williams, 2018)
- Structure: Slide-mounted adult female. Body almost round. Length 3.25–5.5 mm, width 3.0–5.5 mm. ( Hodgson & Williams, 2018)
- General Remarks: Detailed description and illustration in Hodgson & Williams, 2018.
- Ali1971: distribution, host, 36,38
- BenDov1993: catalog, 202,203
- Green1896: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 9
- Green1904a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 205
- Green1904b: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 377
- HodgsoWi2018: description, diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, key, taxonomy, 45-48, 81
- Sander1906: catalog, 9
- Takaha1939: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 115-118
- Takaha1950a: distribution, host, 53
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 209
- Willia2017b: list of species, taxonomy, 599
- ZarkanApTu2021: distribution, host, 157