Valid Names Results
Diaspidiotus juglansregiae (Comstock, 1881) (Diaspididae: Diaspidiotus)Nomenclatural History
- Aspidiotus juglans-regiae Comstock 1881a: 300. Type data: U.S.A.: California, Los Angeles, on bark of the larger limbs of English walnut, Juglans regia.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Aspidiotus juglans-regiae albus Cockerell 1894g: 132. Type data: U.S.A.: New Mexico, Mesila, on bark of pear trees.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Ferris1938a, 190).
- Aspidiotus juglans-regiae pruni Cockerell 1894g: 131. Type data: U.S.A.: New Mexico, Las Cruses, on twigs of plum.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Ferris1941e, 47).
- Aspidiotus iuglans-regiae Comstock, 1881; Leonardi 1897: 285. misspelling of species epithet
- Aspidiotus (Diaspidiotus) juglans-regiae Comstock, 1881; Cockerell 1897i: 21. change of combination
- Aspidiotus (Diaspidiotus) juglans-regiae pruni Cockerell, 1894; Cockerell 1897i: 21. change of combination
- Aspidiotus (Diaspidiotus) juglans-regiae albus Cockerell, 1894; Cockerell 1897i: 21. change of combination
- Aspidiotus (Evaspidiotus) juglans-regiae Comstock, 1881; Leonardi 1898c: 40. change of combination
- Aspidiotus (Evaspidiotus) juglans-regiae albus Cockerell, 1894; Leonardi 1898c: 43. change of combination
- Aspidiotus (Evaspidiotus) juglans-regiae pruni Cockerell, 1894; Leonardi 1898c: 42. change of combination
- Aspidiotus iuglans-regiae Comstock, 1881; Leonardi 1898c: 40. misspelling of species epithet
- Aspidiotus (Evaspidiotus) iuglans-regiae albus Cockerell, 1894; Leonardi 1898c: 43. misspelling of species epithet
- Aspidiotus iuglans-regiae albus Cockerell, 1894; Leonardi 1898c: 43. misspelling of species epithet
- Aspidiotus iuglans-regiae pruni Cockerell, 1894; Leonardi 1898c: 42. misspelling of species epithet
- Aspidiotus fernaldi Cockerell 1898q: 323. Type data: U.S.A.: Massachusetts, Boston, Charlesbank Park, on Gleditschia triacanthos.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Borchs1966, 331).
- Aspidiotus fernaldi albiventer Hunter 1899: 6. Type data: USA: Kansas, Lawrence, on trunk of maple.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Manhattan: Kansas State University Collections, Kansas, USA; Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Ferris1938a, 190).
- Aspidiotus fernaldi cockerelli Parrott 1899: 10. Type data: U.S.A.: Kansas, Manhattan, on the rough bark on trunk of maples; collected September 18, 1898.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Borchs1966, 331). Illustr.
- Aspidiotus (Diaspidiotus) glanduliferus Cockerell 1902l: 287. Type data: USA: Ohio, on Pinus sylvestris.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Borchs1966, 331).
- Aspidiotus glanduliferus Cockerell, 1902; Fernald 1903b: 260. change of combination
- Diaspidiotus juglans-regiae albus (Cockerell, 1894); Cockerell 1905b: 202. change of combination
- Diaspidiotus juglans-regiae pruni (Cockerell, 1894); Cockerell 1905b: 202. change of combination
- Aspidiotus glandulifer Cockerell, 1902; Lindinger 1907a: 20. emendation that is unjustified
- Aspidiotus juglandis-regiae Comstock, 1881; Lindinger 1907a: 22. emendation that is unjustified
- Furcaspis juglans-regiae (Comstock, 1881); MacGillivray 1921: 409. change of combination
- Furcaspis juglans-regiae pruni (Cockerell, 1894); MacGillivray 1921: 409. change of combination
- Quadraspidiotus fernaldi (Cockerell, 1898); MacGillivray 1921: 411. change of combination
- Quadraspidiotus glanduliferus (Cockerell, 1902); MacGillivray 1921: 411. change of combination
- Aspidiotus albus Cockerell, 1894; Ferris 1938a: 190. change in status (level)
- Aspidiotus albiventer Hunter, 1899; Ferris 1938a: 190. change of combination
- Quadraspidiotus juglans-regiae (Comstock, 1881); Ferris 1938a: 257. change of combination
- Aspidiotus cockerelli Ferris 1938a: 190. junior synonym (discovered by Borchs1966, 331).
- Aspidiotus pruni Cockerell, 1894; Ferris 1941e: 47. change in status (level)
- Aspidiotus (Quadraspidiotus) juglans-regiae Comstock, 1881; Merrill 1953: 23. change of combination
- Diaspidiotus juglans-regiae (Comstock, 1881); Bustshik 1958: 219. change of combination
- Diaspidiotus juglansregiae (Comstock, 1881); Borchsenius 1966: 331. emendation that is justified
Common Names
- English walnut scale Comsto1881a Dekle1965c Merril1953 MerrilCh1923
- english walnut scale Comsto1881a
- gopher scale MillerDa2005
- walnut scale McKenz1956 MillerDa2005
Ecological Associates
Families: 19 | Genera: 30
- Acanthaceae
- Avicennia germinans | BesheaTiHo1973 | (= Avicennia nitida)
- Adoxaceae
- Viburnum tinus | Merril1953
- Altingiaceae
- Liquidambar styraciflua | BesheaTiHo1973
- Aquifoliaceae
- Ilex | Dekle1965c
- Ilex crenata | BesheaTiHo1973
- Ilex glabra | BesheaTiHo1973
- Betulaceae
- Betula | McKenz1956
- Betula nigra | Ferris1938a
- Cornaceae
- Cornus | BesheaTiHo1973 McDani1970 McKenz1956
- Euphorbiaceae
- Adelia | Ferris1938a McKenz1956
- Fabaceae
- Cercis canadensis | BesheaTiHo1973
- Gleditsia | McDani1970
- Gleditsia triacanthos | Cocker1898q Ferris1938a
- Robinia pseudoacacia | BesheaTiHo1973
- Juglandaceae
- Juglans | Ferris1938a McKenz1956
- Juglans microcarpa | McDani1970 | (= Juglans rupestris)
- Juglans regia | Comsto1881a McDani1970 McKenz1956
- Magnoliaceae
- Liriodendron tulipifera | BesheaTiHo1973
- Magnolia virginiana | BesheaTiHo1973
- Malvaceae
- Tilia | BesheaTiHo1973
- Oleaceae
- Chionanthus virginicus | BesheaTiHo1973
- Forestiera pubescens | Ferris1938a McKenz1956 | var. parvifolia (= Adelia neomexicana)
- Fraxinus | Ferris1938a McKenz1956
- Pinaceae
- Pinus | BesheaTiHo1973 Ferris1938a McKenz1956
- Pinus sylvestris | Cocker1902l Ferris1938a
- Rosaceae
- Heteromeles arbutifolia | McKenz1956
- Malus domestica | Comsto1883 | (= Pyrus malus)
- Photinia | McKenz1956
- Photinia bodinieri | Merril1953 | (= Photinia serrulata)
- Prunus | Dekle1965c
- Prunus americana | Dekle1965c
- Prunus cerasus | Comsto1883
- Prunus persica | Dekle1965c Ferris1938a McKenz1956
- Prunus serotina | BesheaTiHo1973
- Pyracantha crenulata | Merril1953
- Rosa | Ferris1938a McKenz1956
- Rutaceae
- Zanthoxylum | Ferris1938a McKenz1956
- Salicaceae
- Salix | Ferris1938a McDani1970 McKenz1956
- Sapindaceae
- Acer | Parrot1899
- Acer barbatum | Ferris1938a
- Acer negundo | McDani1970
- Acer saccharum | MerrilCh1923
- Aesculus | BesheaTiHo1973
- Ulmaceae
- Ulmus | Ferris1938a McKenz1956
- Ulmus crassifolia | McDani1970
- Vitaceae
- Vitis | Ferris1938a McKenz1956
Families: 6 | Genera: 12
- Acaridae
- Thyreophagus entomophagus | Koszta1996
- Aphelinidae
- Aphytis aonidiae | RosenDe1979
- Aphytis diaspidis | RosenDe1979
- Aphytis maculicornis | RosenDe1979
- Aphytis melanostictus | RosenDe1979
- Aphytis melinus | RosenDe1979
- Aphytis mytilaspidis | RosenDe1979
- Aphytis proclia | Gordh1979
- Coccobius varicornis | Gordh1979 | (= Physcus varicornis)
- Diaspiniphagus fasciativentris | Gordh1979 | (= Prospaltella fasciativentris)
- Encarsia aurantii | Gordh1979 | (= Prospaltella aurantii)
- Marietta pulchella | Gordh1979
- Coccinellidae
- Adalia bipunctata | Koszta1996
- Chilocorus | Koszta1996
- Chilocorus stigma | Koszta1996 | (= Chilocorus bivulnerus)
- Encyrtidae
- Coccidencyrtus ensifer | Gordh1979 Koszta1996
- Zaomma lambinus | Gordh1979 Koszta1996 Trjapi1989 | (= Apterencyrtus microphagus)
- Hemisarcoptidae
- Hemisarcoptes | GersonOcHo1990
- Signiphoridae
- Signiphora flavopalliata | Gordh1979 | (= Signiphora occidentalis)
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 3
- Canada | Nakaha1982
- Mexico | Nakaha1982
- United States
- Alabama | BesheaTiHo1973
- Arizona | Cocker1902k
- California | Comsto1881a McKenz1956 RosenDe1979
- District of Columbia | Comsto1883
- Florida | Dekle1965c Merril1953 Wilson1917
- Georgia | BesheaTiHo1973
- Kansas | Hunter1899 Parrot1899
- Massachusetts | Cocker1898q Ferris1938a
- Mississippi | Herric1911
- Missouri | Hollin1923
- New York | Comsto1883
- Ohio | Cocker1902l Ferris1938a
- Texas | Ferris1938a Herric1911 McDani1970
- Virginia | BesheaTiHo1973
- NucifoWaRu2020: pp.589 ( Adult (F) ) [Diaspidiotus on Betulaceae]
- MillerDa2005: pp.29-34 ( Adult (F) ) [Field Key to Economic Armored Scales]
- Gill1997: pp.243 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of California]
- Koszta1996: pp.575 ( Adult (F) ) [Northeastern North America]
- McDani1970: pp.429 ( Adult (F) ) [U.S.A.: Texas]
- McKenz1956: pp.26 ( Adult (F) ) [U.S.A.: California]
- Ferris1942: pp.40 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- Britto1923: pp.371 ( Adult (F) ) [U.S.A.: Connecticut]
- Hollin1923: pp.7-8 ( Adult (F) ) [U.S.A.: Missouri]
- Lawson1917: pp.217 ( Adult (F) ) [U.S.A.: Kansas]
- DietzMo1916a: pp.289-290 ( Adult (F) ) [U.S.A.: Indiana]
- Cocker1905b: pp.202 ( Adult (F) ) [U.S.A.: Colorado]
- Newell1899: pp.4-5 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- Comsto1883: pp.55-57 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- Structure: Female scale circular, 3 mm in diameter; flat, with exuviae laterad of center; pale greyish brown; exuviae covered with secretion; position of first skin indicated by pink or reddish brown prominence; ventral scale a mere film which adheres to bark (Comstock, 1881a). Colour photograph by Gill (1997).
- Biology: Occurring on the bark (Ferris, 1938a).
- Economic Importance: A pest of walnut, Juglans sp. in North America (Ebeling, 1959; Gill, 1997; Davidson & Miller, 1990).
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Ferris (1938a), McKenzie (1956), Kosztarab (1996) and by Gill (1997).
- Balach1950b: taxonomy, 408
- Barnes1930: biological control, 319-329
- BeardsDaHo1976: economic importance, 103
- BeardsGo1975: economic importance, 49
- BenDovGe2003: catalog, 373-378
- BentleCoHa2000: control, distribution, host,
- BesheaTiHo1973: distribution, host, 8
- Borchs1966: catalog, 331-332
- BoyceKaPe1939: chemical control, 432-450
- Bray1974: description, distribution, host, life history, 1-33
- Britto1923: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 371,374
- Bustsh1958: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 219,262
- Carnes1907: distribution, host, taxonomy, 208
- ChuaWo1990: distribution, economic importance, host, 550
- Cocker1894g: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 131-132,286,354
- Cocker1896b: distribution, 334
- Cocker1897i: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 5,8,16,17,21
- Cocker1898d: taxonomy, 65
- Cocker1898q: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 323
- Cocker1899a: taxonomy, 396
- Cocker1902k: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 450
- Cocker1902l: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 287-288
- Cocker1905b: taxonomy, 202
- Comper1961a: biological control, 17-71
- Comsto1881a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 300-301
- Comsto1883: distribution, host, 61-62
- DavidsMi1990: distribution, economic importance, host, 603-632
- DeSant1940: biological control, 29-44
- Dekle1965c: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 125
- Dekle1976: description, distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 144
- DietzMo1916a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 301-302
- Dougla1912: taxonomy, 204
- DowellGiJe2016: distribution, 116
- Drake1935: control, distribution, host, 83-91
- Ebelin1949: control, distribution, host, life history,
- Ebelin1959: distribution, economic importance, host, 343
- Felt1924: control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history,
- Fernal1903b: 258,259,260,265
- Ferris1921b: taxonomy, 94
- Ferris1938a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 257
- Ferris1941e: taxonomy, 43,44
- Ferris1942: taxonomy, 446:40
- Garcia1930: biological control, distribution, host,
- Garcia1931a: biological control, distribution, host, 659-666
- GersonOcHo1990: biological control, 77-97
- Gill1997: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 244-245,248
- Gordh1979: biological control, 895-897,907,908,911,
- GordonPo1988: biological control, distribution, host, life history, 1181-1185
- Hamilt1936: chemical control, chemistry, physiology, 150-160
- Herric1911: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 10,17-18,51
- Hollin1923: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 12-13
- Howard1895e: biological control, 1-44
- Hunter1899: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 6-8
- IPMW1987: biological control, economic importance,
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 25
- Jarvis1908TD: taxonomy, 61
- KnowltSm1936: distribution, host, 263-267
- Koehle1964: control, distribution, host,
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 15
- Koszta1996: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 578-580
- Kozar1990c: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 593-602
- Lawson1917: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 217-221
- Leonar1897: taxonomy, 285
- Leonar1898a: taxonomy, 75
- Leonar1898c: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 40-44
- Lindin1907a: taxonomy, 22
- Lindin1957: taxonomy, 545
- MacGil1921: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 409-411
- Maranh1946: taxonomy, 164-179
- McKenz1956: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 26,81-82
- Merril1953: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 23-24
- MerrilCh1923: description, distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 202-203
- MichelOr1958: biological control, chemical control, distribution, host, taxonomy, 46-57
- MillerDa1990: distribution, economic importance, host, 305
- MillerDa2005: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 157-160
- Morgan1894: distribution, host, 982-1006
- MorseGrCl2005: molecular data, phylogeny, taxonomy, 79-94
- Nakaha1982: distribution, host, 78
- Newell1899: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 5,18-21
- NewellRo1908: distribution, host, 150-155
- Normar2004: structure, taxonomy,
- NormarOkMo2019: distribution, host, phylogeny, 19, S1
- NucifoWaRu2020: key, 589
- Parrot1899: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 10-11
- RosenDe1979: biological control, distribution, host, 291-294,383-387,
- Sander1904a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 57,61,62
- SchmutKlLu1957: distribution, economic importance, host, 484
- SchneiFiNo2019: key, taxonomy, 92
- SchneiOkNo2018: phylogeny,
- SchuhMo1948: control, distribution, host,
- SeveriSe1909: taxonomy, 298
- Starne1897: taxonomy, 23
- StoetzDa1974: life history, taxonomy, 138-140
- Trjapi1989: biological control, 312
- WaltmaRaWi2016: distribution, 231
- Watson2001: list, 177
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 223, 224, 225
- Wilson1917: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 22-23
- Woodwo1903: taxonomy, 39
- Zahrad1990a: description, distribution, host, 651