Valid Names Results
Dactylopius coccus Costa, 1829 (Dactylopiidae: Dactylopius)Nomenclatural History
- Dactylopius cacti Linnaeus 1758: 1111. unavailable name that is placed Notes: Regarded as Nomen oblitum by De Lotto (1974a).
- Coccus carti (Linnaeus, 1758); Modeer 1778: 44. misspelling of species epithet Notes: Misspelling for Coccus cacti. See Williams & Ben-Dov (2009: 14). Illustr.
- Coccus sativa Lancry 1791: 486. Type data: SOUTH AMERICA: on Cactaceae. Syntypes, female, unavailable name that is placed (discovered by DeLott1974a, 179). Notes: Regarded as Nomen oblitum by De Lotto (1974a).
- Coccus mexicanus Lamarck 1801: 299. unavailable name that is placed (discovered by DeLott1974a, 179). Notes: Regarded as Nomen oblitum by De Lotto (1974a).
- Dactylopius coccus Costa 1829: 16. Type data: ITALY: on Opuntia "Fico d'India". Unknown type status, unknown, accepted valid name Notes: Type material probably lost (G. Pellizzari in personal information to Yair Ben-Dov). This binomen has been placed on the Official List of Species Names in Zoology. (Name Number 2851) (see ICZN, 1983). Illustr.
- Coccus cacti; (Linnaeus, 1758); Signoret 1875c: 347. subsequent use Notes: Signoret named this binomen Coccus cacti des auteurs. Illustr.
- Coccus cacti domestica Meunier 1884: 19. junior synonym (discovered by Lindin1935, 133). Illustr.
- Pseudococcus signoreti Cockerell 1900g: 992. junior synonym (discovered by DeLott1974a, 174). Notes: Replacement name for Coccus cacti des auteurs, of Signoret 1875c
- Dactylopius mexicanus (Lamarck, 1801); Lindinger 1943c: 249. change of combination Notes: Regarded as Nomen oblitum by De Lotto (1974a).
- Dactylopius sativus (Lancry, 1791); Lindinger 1943c: 249. change of combination Notes: Regarded as Nomen oblitum by De Lotto (1974a).
Common Names
- cochineal Dekle1965c
- cochineal insect McKenz1956
- cochineal scale Miller1925
- cochinilla cultivada Borchs1966
- cochinilla del carmin Mosque1976
- cochinilla fina AnantaSuMu1957
- grana cochinilla Cocker1897g
- grana cultivada McKenz1956
- grana fina Essig1928
- Cocciniglia del carminio PachecSuCl2022
- Echte Kochenilleschildlaus PachecSuCl2022
Ecological Associates
Families: 1 | Genera: 2
- Cactaceae
- Nopalea cochenillifera | PortilAr1994
- Opuntia cochenillifera | PachecSuCl2022
- Opuntia ficus-indica | DeHaroCl1999 MacGreSa1984 MahmooMo1986 PortilAr1994 Archan1931 PortilAr1994 | (= Opuntia amyclaea) (= Opuntia crassa)
- Opuntia fuliginosa | ChavezTeCa2011
- Opuntia humifusa | DeLott1959a Mamet1950 | (= Opuntia vulgaris)
- Opuntia hyptiacantha | MacGreSa1984
- Opuntia jaliscana | PachecSuCl2022
- Opuntia megacantha | PachecSuCl2022
- Opuntia pilifera | PortilAr1994
- Opuntia streptacantha | PortilAr1994 | (= Opuntia incarnadilla)
- Opuntia tomentosa | PortilAr1994 Archan1931 PerezGKo1992 PortilAr1994 | (= Opuntia sarca)
- Opuntia undulata | PachecSuCl2022
- Opuntia velutina | PortilAr1994 | (= Opuntia atropes)
Families: 5 | Genera: 10
- Chamaemyiidae
- Leucopina bellula | Kuwana1907 Portil2005
- Coccinellidae
- Chilocorus | PortilVi1998
- Exochomus flavipes | RussoMa1996
- Hyperaspis fimbriolata | Portil2005
- Hyperaspis trifurcata | Kalia1995a Portil2005
- Nephus intrusus | Portil2005 | (= Scymnus intrusus)
- Scymnus horni | Portil2005
- Cybocephalidae
- Cybocephalus nigritulus | Portil2005
- Hemerobiidae
- Sympherobius amiculus | Portil2005
- Pyralidae
- Laetilia coccidivora | PortilVi1998
- Zophodia analamprella | Portil2005 | (= Salambona analamprella)
Families: 14 | Genera: 15
- Incertae sedis
- Periconia | GonzalHeBu2024
- Anaplasmataceae
- Wolbachia | GonzalHeBu2024
- Apiosporaceae
- Arthrinium gutiae | GonzalHeBu2024
- Aspergillaceae
- Aspergillus hiratsukae | GonzalHeBu2024
- Penicillium | GonzalHeBu2024
- Penicillium brevicompactum | GonzalHeBu2024
- Penicillium olsonii | GonzalHeBu2024
- Coniochaetaceae
- Coniochaeta | GonzalHeBu2024
- Cryptococcaceae
- Cryptococcus | GonzalHeBu2024
- Davidiellaceae
- Cladosporium cladosporioides | GonzalHeBu2024
- Cladosporium sphaerospermum | GonzalHeBu2024
- Cladosporium tenuissimum | GonzalHeBu2024
- Irpicaceae
- Irpex | GonzalHeBu2024
- Microascaceae
- Microascus verrucosus | GonzalHeBu2024
- Phanerochaetaceae
- Phanerochaete | GonzalHeBu2024
- Rhodocyclaceae
- Candidatus Dactylopiibacterium carminicum | GonzalHeBu2024
- Spiroplasmataceae
- Spiroplasma | GonzalHeBu2024
- Sporidiobolaceae
- Rhodotorula | GonzalHeBu2024
- Stereaceae
- Stereum | GonzalHeBu2024
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 20
- Argentina
- La Rioja | DeHaroCl1999 Richar1976
- Azores | Newste1913 PerezGKo1992
- Canary Islands | BenDov2013 CouturMaRi1985 Lindin1909c Lindin1911a Miller1996 PerezGKo1992
- Chile
- Coquimbo | PizarrAlBa2020
- Cyprus | Anonym2016 UlgentHo2019
- Ecuador | CouturMaRi1985 PerezGKo1992
- Egypt | CouturMaRi1985 PerezGKo1992
- Ethiopia | DeLott1959
- Greece | PachecSuCl2022
- India | Varshn1992
- Madagascar | Mamet1943a Mamet1950 Richar1971
- Madeira Islands | CouturMaRi1985 PerezGKo1992
- Mexico | CouturMaRi1985 PortilAr1994
- Hidalgo | LePell1968 MacGreSa1984
- Jalisco | BenDov1994 ChavezTeCa2011 McKenz1967
- Mexico State | BenDov1994 ChavezTeCa2011 WilliaGr1992
- Oaxaca | MacGreSa1984 Miller1996 Newste1917a PerezGKo1992
- Puebla | CouturMaRi1985 MacGreSa1984
- Veracruz | BenDov1994 ChavezTeCa2011 Ferris1950b McKenz1967
- Morocco | CouturMaRi1985 PerezGKo1992
- Pakistan | Varshn1992
- Peru | DeLott1974a Miller1996 PerezGKo1992 PortilAr1994 Vayssi1936
- South Africa | Campbe1983 DeLott1974a PerezGKo1992
- Syria | Anonym2016
- Turkey | Campbe1983 KaydanUlEr2007
- Venezuela | CouturMaRi1985 PerezGKo1992
- Ferris1955a: pp.86 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- Systematics: For about 150 years this species was referred to, in scale insect taxonomy, as Coccus cacti Linnaeus, 1758. Cockerell (1899j) demonstrated that the latter species is actually a margarodid. The current status of this species is Protortonia cacti (Linnaeus, 1758) [Margarodidae: Monophlebinae]; see also Ben-Dov (2005). Cockerell selected as a substitute for Coccus cacti the name Dactylopius coccus O. Costa, 1829. Lindinger (1943c) disclosed that Dactylopius coccus O. Costa, was actually a junior synonym of Coccus sativus Lancry, 1791 and Coccus mexicanus Lamarck, 1801. De Lotto (1974a) discussed Lindinger's findings, but remarked that, considering the wide acceptance of Costa's name, Lindinger's (1943c) changes were undesirable. De Lotto (1974a) noted that in order to stabilize Dactylopius coccus, the matter should be referred to the ICZN so that Coccus sativus Lancry, 1791 and Coccus mexicanus Lamarck, 1801, be placed on the Official List of Rejected Names, as nomina oblita. However, no such application has been made. Dactylopius coccus O. Costa, 1829 is accepted in this catalogue, as the currently accepted name of the cochineal insect, while Coccus sativus Lancry, 1791 and Coccus mexicanus Lamarck, 1801, are regarded as nomina oblita that are synonymous with Dactylopius coccus. Dactylopius coccus O. Costa, 1829, has been placed on the Official List of Species Names in Zoology. (Name Number 2851) (see ICZN, 1983).
- Structure: Its pulverulent white cover and a size larger than the rest of the species of the genus distinguish D. coccus. (Chavez, et al., 2011) Colour photograph of adult female by Foldi (2003b).
- Economic Importance: This scale insect was first observed at the XVI century in Mexico by the Spaniards who subsequently introduced it to other Spanish territories as well as to Spain. The body of the adult female of this scale insect is the source of the red carmine dye. It was, and still cultivated for that purpose in Central and South America as well as in the Canary Islands (Donkin, 1977). The insect was, and still is bred for that purpose in Central and South America as well as in the Canary Islands (Donkin, 1977). Portillo & Arreola (1994) recorded a form of Nopalea cochenillifera from Peru resistant to the cochineal. Goeden (1978) discussed the use of this species in biological control of Opuntia spp. Cochineal extract was listed as one of the food ingredients capable of eliciting allergic sensitization, although it would rarely be classified as allergic (Taylor & Hefle, 2001). It is also an introduced pest in Brazil and the Mediterranean basin. It was never reported as a damaging pest of prickly pear until it arrived in Ethiopia, where it is a severe pest
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female given by Ferris (1955a), De Lotto (1974a) (while referring to the illustration by Ferris, 1955a) and by Perez Guerra & Kosztarab (1992). Description and illustration of first-instar, second-instar female, second-instar male, prepupa, pupa and adult male by Perez Guerra & Kosztarab (1992). Portillo (1995) distinguished between the fine cochineal species Dactylopius coccus and a group of wild cochineal species comprising D. austrinus, D. ceylonicus, D. confertus, D. confusus, D. opuntiae, D. salmianus, D. tomentosus and D. zimmermani.
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, host, 31
- AbrahaEd1964: chemistry, 19-25
- AckachPoJa2003: chemistry, 1029-1034
- AdwanAbOm2024: phylogenetics, 6, 9
- AguirrGu1999: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-389
- AldamaLl2003: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 11-19
- AlleviAnBi1998: chemistry, distribution, host, 575-582
- AlleviAnCi1987: chemistry, 5469-5472
- AlvarePoVi1996: economic importance, life history, 19-31
- Anonym2016: distribution, host,
- AquinoBa2002: chromosome, structure, 6-10
- AquinoGaCo1994: chromosome, structure, 7-23
- Arndt1940: chemistry, economic importance,
- BabithSaPa2003: chemistry, 258-266
- BalakiVaKa2006: chemistry, 54-60
- BaranoZySz2004: chemistry, 54-57
- Barany1978: chemistry, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 85-92
- BarberCaIn1972: distribution, economic importance, host, 10-20
- BarberInPi1995: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-216
- BarcenAq1997: host, life history, 21
- BarretRoLo2020: natural enemies,
- BenDov2005a: catalog, taxonomy, 263
- BenDov2006b: catalog, taxonomy, 215-218
- BenDov2013: distribution, illustration, 72
- BerhePoVi2022: host,
- BerhePoVi2022: control, host,
- Blanch1883: chemistry, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 282-302
- Bohmer2000: chemistry, economic importance, 57-60
- BorgesTeDi2012: chemistry,
- Brana1966: distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 77-91
- Bustam2002: economic importance, 21-23
- BustamVeRo2024: bacteria, genome, symbiont,
- CalvoSa2000: chemistry, 439-443
- CampanRoTu2015: DNA, dispersal, ecology, evolution, phylogenetics,
- CamposLl1999: economic importance, life history,
- CamposLl2003: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 143-155
- Cardon1999: chemistry, economic importance, 18-29
- Cardon1999a: chemistry, economic importance, 50-55
- Cardon2007: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, taxonomy, 607-666
- Castil1993: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 1-94
- ChavezTeCa2011: distribution, host, 62, 64-65
- ChavezTeFr2010: chemistry, 671-679
- ChenLiBe2004: life history, 301-303
- ClapsDe2001: distribution, host, 80
- Cocker1899j: taxonomy, 259-275
- Cocker1900g: taxonomy, 991, 992
- Cocker1902k: taxonomy, 454
- Comsto1881a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 346
- ConstaStSa2002: chemistry, 203-220
- CoronaToNu2015: ecology, economic importance,
- Costa1835: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 16, 17
- CruzDiCrDo1994: distribution, host, life history, 125-130
- CruzHeGaRo2003: chemistry, 37-45
- CuevaIzCr2001: chemistry, economic importance, 144
- Dalrym1984: chemistry, economic importance, 3-7
- DeHaroCl1995: taxonomy, 16-17
- DeHaroCl1999: distribution, 128
- DeLott1959: distribution, taxonomy, 151
- DeLott1974a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 179-180
- DeNobr1848: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 342-348
- Decary1930: biological control, distribution, ecology, host, 101-117
- DiazSoSoNu1999: economic importance, host, life history, 110-111
- Dodd1927: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1-44
- DomingJiGa2023: chemical,
- Donkin1977: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, taxonomy, 1-84
- DragoMaSa2002: chemistry, 1969-1974
- Eastwo1984: chemistry, economic importance, 9-19
- Edelst1963: chemistry, 15-17
- FAO2001: chemistry, economic importance, 1-107
- FerreiFeSa2003: distribution, host, life history, 1560-1568
- FerrerMaAn2005: chemistry, 243-250
- Ferris1955a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 86-87
- Flores1995: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 35-41
- Flores2002: distribution, ecology, host, life history, 16-20
- Foldi2003b: taxonomy, 28
- FordGoGr1987: chemistry, 897-902
- Franci2002: chemistry, 173-206
- FranciMa2002: chemistry, 297-330
- FranciWa2002: chemistry, economic importance, 173-206
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, 7, 23
- GarzaZVa1999: economic importance, host, life history, 112
- Gavril2018: reproduction, 228
- GavrilKu2019: economic importance, 204
- Goeden1978: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 362-363
- GoldenBuSt2000: distribution, host, life history,
- GonzalHeBu2024: endosymbiont, histology,
- GonzalMeCa2002: chemistry, economic importance, 6968-6974
- GovelaPeVi2021: economic,
- Gram1984: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-299
- GrantGaCa1987: chemistry, 913-917
- Green1912a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 82-84
- Greenf2004: economic importance, history, 1-338
- Halpin1996: chemistry, 76
- Harris2001: biological control, distribution, host,
- Harris2002: biological control, 74-76
- Haude1998: chemistry, 240-270
- HeShDe2003: distribution, host, life history, 604-609
- Hernan1999: economic importance, 105-118
- HernanDeRo2003: chemistry, 37-45
- Herrer1983: distribution, economic importance, host, 26-30
- Hodgso2020: description, diagnosis, illustration, taxonomy, 68-70
- Hordes1980: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-237
- HurdShTo2019: history, 553
- ICZN1983: taxonomy, 77-80
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 24
- KarapaCh2006: chemistry, 74-84
- KarapaDaTs2005: chemistry, 739-749
- Karsch1883: list of species, 669
- KatoHaTs2004: chemistry, 241-251
- KaydanUlEr2007: catalog, distribution, host, 93
- KebedeBiAy2023: control, host,
- KingDu1998: chemistry, 847-853
- KlugeZiCi1986: biological control, 295-303
- KondoGu2022: economic importance, 1
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 13
- Koszta1987: economic importance, 218
- KozarDr1998f: catalog, 170
- KozielSa2001: distribution, 1-5
- KreiteMaDi1998a: economic importance, life history, 201-206
- LaGrCo1963: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 1-327
- Lamarc1801: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 288
- LambdiAqGr2002: chemistry, 11-15
- Lancry1791: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 486
- LeesonAl1999: chemistry,
- Legget1944: chemistry, economic importance, 1-95
- LeonDoBu2021: endosymbionts,
- Lillie1979: chemistry, economic importance, 57-61
- Lindin1909c: distribution, host, taxonomy, 450
- Lindin1911a: distribution, host, 7
- Lindin1943a: taxonomy, 457
- Lindin1943c: taxonomy, 249-250
- Linnae1758: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 457
- LizasoMoGa2000: chemistry, 549-552
- LlandeCa1999: economic importance, host, 61-68
- LlandeNi1999a: distribution, economic importance, host,
- LlandeNi1999a: distribution, host, life history, 23-29
- MacGreSa1984: distribution, host, taxonomy, 218-219
- Mamet1943a: distribution, host, 145
- Mamet1950: distribution, host, 19
- Mann1969: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 139-150
- MarinLCi1977: description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 115-120
- MarinLCi1983: distribution, ecology, host, life history, 81-83
- Martog1992: chemistry, 1-226
- Massch1967: chemistry, 1080-1085
- MatallCaMi2002: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, 22-25
- MazaBaNiLl1999: chemistry, life history,
- McClel2004: distribution, host, 69-74
- Mendez1999: distribution, host, life history, 69-78
- MendezGa1999: economic importance, host, life history, 31-59
- MendezGoLo2004: chemistry, 1331-1337
- MendezPaTi2003: economic importance, 165-171
- MendezVeBr1995: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 42-47
- MiddleDeDi2024: behavior, chemical ecology, 11
- Miller1996: catalog, distribution, 69
- MohammGh2008: distribution, 150
- MojicaSaGa2022: chemistry,
- MoraBl1999: distribution, economic importance, host, 137
- MoranNeHo1986: biological control, 261-268
- NanDeWu2013: phylogenetics, 173
- Nobel1995: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 77-83
- PachecSuCl2022: biology, control, description of male, diagnosis, disease transmission, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 390-391
- Pelham1963: distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 635-639
- PerezG1991: distribution, host, life history, taxonomy, 1-181
- PerezGKo1992: chemistry, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 15-49
- PerezS1999: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-22
- PerezS1999a: economic importance, 119-136
- Pimien1997: distribution, economic importance, host, 87-95
- PimienNeMu1995: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 1-308
- PizarrAlBa2020: distribution, host, 27
- Portil1992: distribution, economic importance, host, 50-55
- Portil1993: economic importance, life history, 25-34
- PortilAr1994: distribution, host, 90-95
- PortilFl1991: distribution, economic importance, host, 77-87
- PortilVi1998: biological control, 43-49
- PortilVi1998a: economic importance, host, 1-6
- PortilVi1998b: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-21
- PortilVi2002: distribution, economic importance, host, 249-251
- PortilVi2006: biological control, dispersal, distribution, host, 249-255
- PortilViTr1994: chemistry, economic importance, 38-42
- PowellHo1979: distribution, host, taxonomy,
- PuchalOrAc2003: chemistry, 1252-1258
- PulzWoCa2008: taxonomy, 72
- Ramire2014: life cycle, morphology, reproduction,
- RamireLl2013: reproduction,
- RamireLl2019: morphology, reproduction,
- RamireLl2021: biology, economic importance, illustration,
- RamireLlRa2008: anatomy, morphology, 1-5
- ReusHoSt2000: chemistry, 1836-1839
- ReyesPPeRo2024: chemistry, cytology, radiation, structure,
- Robles1999: ecology, host, life history, 113-114
- RodrigFaNi2005: chemistry, life history, 305-306
- RodrigFaSe2005: chemical ecology, chemistry, 323-329
- RodrigGaGo2024: host,
- RodrigMeNi2001: ecology, life history, 73-77
- RodrigNi2000: distribution, host, taxonomy, 85-89
- RodrigPo1989: distribution, economic importance, host, 49-53
- RodrigVa2024: chemistry, history, 2
- RoqueR2022: economic importance,
- RubioMe2001: chemistry,
- RubioSaNo2001: chemistry,
- RubioSaNo2001: chemistry,
- RussoMa1996: distribution, economic importance, life history, 10-13
- RussoMaSu2001: distribution, host, life history, 333-338
- Saltzm1986: chemistry, economic importance, 1-84
- Saltzm1992: chemistry, economic importance, 474-481
- SaltzmKeCh1963: chemistry, economic importance, 241-251
- Sandbe1994: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-215
- SarkanMeEv1961: chemistry, economic importance, 39-40
- SchmutKlLu1957: distribution, economic importance, host, 426
- Schwep1979: chemistry, 14-23
- Schwep1986: chemistry, economic importance, 153-174
- SchwepRo1986: chemistry, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 255-283
- SerranDoBo2015: history,
- SerranSoHa2013: chemistry, economic importance, 6081-6090
- Signor1869: catalog, taxonomy, 846
- Signor1875c: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 347-349
- Silva1995: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-316
- SilvaMeDe2013: distribution, economic importance, 5237
- SmithMiDa2005: chemistry, 1010-1030
- SongWaTa2024: phylogeny, 4, 8-9
- Speigh2001: distribution, 1-5
- Sternl1980: economic importance, host, 17-21
- SteuriFe2001: chemistry, 66-72
- Sweetm1935: biological control, 373-377
- TabarPAlAc2003: chemistry, 415-419
- Taylor1984: chemistry, economic importance, 22-25
- Taylor1986: chemistry, 53-61
- TaylorHe2001: chemistry, economic importance, 64-69
- Tekele1995: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 48-55
- Tekele1995a: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 56-61
- Tekele2001: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, 1-191
- Thomso1971: chemistry, 1-5
- TiedemYa1995: chemistry, 195-206
- TovarPPaMe1999: economic importance, host, life history, 115-116
- TovarPaGa2005: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, 1-191
- Turok1996: economic importance, 91-94
- UematsHiSu2002: chemistry, 335-342
- UlgentErYa2022: distribution, host, S118
- Valles1965: biological control, 259-279
- Valles1997: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-143
- VanDamMaCh2015: dispersal, distribution, genetics, phylogenetics,
- Varshn1992: distribution, host, taxonomy, 36
- VeaGr2015: phylogeny, 64
- VeaGr2016: evolution, 4
- VeraPoSaRo2016: symbionts, 1-15
- ViguerPo1995: distribution, host, 24-25
- ViguerPo1995a: chemistry, 41-48
- ViguerPo1997: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 135-136
- ViguerPo1999: diagnosis, distribution, ecology, host, life history, 79-92
- ViguerPo1999a: economic importance, 93-104
- Waller1986: chemistry, economic importance, 145-155
- Walton1984: chemistry, economic importance, 30-34
- Warren1914: description, distribution, host, 387391
- Willia1969a: taxonomy, 324
- Willia2007b: taxonomy, 441, 427-490
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 217
- WilliaBe2015: taxonomy, 163, 165, 167
- Wood1986: economic importance, 4-8
- Woodwo1903: taxonomy, 31
- Wouter1985: chemistry, 119-128
- WouterVe1989a: chemistry, 189-200
- XieXuZh2004a: chemistry, 512-518
- YangYaLi2001: distribution, economic importance, host, 85-89
- Yannak2003: distribution, economic importance, 1-5
- ZacariToMe2020: economic importance,
- ZhangShXu2002: economic importance, 719-726