Valid Names Results

Cylindrococcus casuarinae Maskell, 1892 (Eriococcidae: Cylindrococcus)

Nomenclatural History

Common Names

Ecological Associates


Families: 1 | Genera: 2

  • Casuarinaceae
    • Allocasuarina corniculata | Gullan1984a
    • Allocasuarina huegeliana | Gullan1984a
    • Allocasuarina luehmannii | Gullan1984a
    • Allocasuarina torulosa | Hoy1963 | This record could not be confirmed by Gullan (1984a)
    • Allocasuarina verticillata | Hoy1963 | This species was previously called Casuarina stricta, and could not be confirmed as a host by Gullan (1984b). Type material was collected on Casuarina quadrivalvis which now is a junior synonym of A. verticillata.
    • Casuarina | Hoy1963
    • Casuarina glauca | Hoy1963 | Casuarina torulosa was listed as the host of the type, but is not included in the list of hosts by Gullan (1984b). It is a junior synonym of Casuarina glauca.

Geographic Distribution

Countries: 1



