Valid Names Results
Ctenochiton Maskell, 1879 (
Nomenclatural History
- Ctenochiton
1879: 208.
Type species: Ctenochiton viridis Maskell
by subsequent designation
accepted valid name
- Cnetochiton
1932b: 36;.
misspelling of genus name
- Biology: A few species of the New Zealand genera Ctenochiton Maskell and Lecanochiton Maskell cause pits and other distortions on the leaves or stems of their hosts (Hodgson & Henderson, 2000).
- General Remarks: Definition and characters given by Hodgson (1994a) and by Hodgson & Henderson (2000).
Associated References
- Ali1971:
taxonomy, pp. 29-30
- Ashmea1891:
taxonomy, pp. 99
- Balach1932b:
taxonomy, pp. 36,38
- BenDov1993:
catalog, pp. 99
- Cocker1899a:
taxonomy, pp. 394
- Cocker1899n:
taxonomy, pp. 15
- DixLuMoKu2019:
morphology, pp. 253
- EzzatHu1969:
description, taxonomy, pp. 395
- Fernal1903b:
catalog, pp. 159
- Frogga1915:
description, taxonomy, pp. 511
- GullanMiCo2005:
structure, taxonomy, pp. 164,181-182
- Hodgso1969a:
taxonomy, pp. 3,10
- Hodgso1994a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 208-211
- Hodgso2020:
key, pp. 223
- HodgsoHe2000:
description, taxonomy, pp. 22-23,97-98,103
- Maskel1879:
description, taxonomy, pp. 208
- Maskel1882:
taxonomy, pp. 218
- Maskel1884:
taxonomy, pp. 130
- Miller1996:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 70
- MorrisMo1922:
description, taxonomy, pp. 71-75
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 39,52
- Steinw1929:
description, taxonomy, pp. 234-235
- Tang1991:
description, taxonomy, pp. 319-320
16 Species