Valid Names Results
Coccus asiaticus Lindinger, 1932 (Coccidae: Coccus)Nomenclatural History
- Lecanium caudatum Green 1896: 10. Type data: SRI LANKA: Punduloya, on Passiflora and coffee.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; accepted valid name Notes: Syntypes: SRI LANKA: Pundaluya and Kandy on Passiflora sp.,
- Coccus caudatus (Green, 1896); Fernald 1903b: 168. change of combination resulting in homonymy Notes: Homonym of Coccus caudatus Walker, 1852
- Coccus asiaticus Lindinger 1932f: 201. replacement name Replacement name for Coccus caudatus (Green, 1896)
- Coccus caudaus (Green, 1896); Tao 1978: 80. misspelling of species epithet
- Parasaissetia nigra; Tao, et al. 1983: 76. incorrect synonymy
- Coccus asiaticus Lindinger, 1932; Łagowska & Hodgson 2019: 379. revived combination (previously published)
- Coccus asiaticus Cao, et al. 2022: 126. lapsus calami Notes: Incorrect citation of (Green, 1896) as author.
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 5 | Genera: 6
- Loranthaceae
- Loranthus | DeLott1956a
- Melastomataceae
- Memecylon umbellatum | BenDov1993
- Passifloraceae
- Passiflora | Green1896
- Rubiaceae
- Coffea | Green1896
- Coffea arabica | Green1904d
- Pavetta | Varshn1992
- Rutaceae
- Murraya paniculata | BenDov1993
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 9
- Cameroon | BenDov1993
- Colombia | Walker1852
- Ethiopia | DeLott1959
- Kenya | DeLott1957c
- South Africa | LagowsHo2019
- Sri Lanka | Green1896
- Taiwan | BenDov1993
- Tanzania | BenDov1993
- Uganda | DeLott1957c
- CaoWaHo2022: pp.126 ( Adult (F) ) [Coccus species in China]
- LagowsHo2019: pp.382-383 ( Adult (F) ) [Coccus species from Africa]
- DeLott1959: pp.153-154 ( Adult (F) ) [Ethiopian Coccus cp.]
- Systematics: The species Lecanium caudatum Green, 1896, was transferred to Coccus (by Fernald, 1903b: 168), thus becoming a secondary homonym of Coccus caudatus Walker, 1852. The former was replaced (Lindinger, 1932f: 201) with Coccus asiaticus Lindinger, Finally, Lecanium caudatum Green, 1896, was synonymized with Parasaissetia nigra, Finally, Lecanium caudatum by Tao et al., 1983: 76. De Lotto (1967b) reported that there was considerable variation in the size, form color of specimens of P. nigra from different areas of Africa, but could find no consistent morphological differences to warrant recognition of distinct species. Ben-Dov (1980) examined specimens of P. nigra from across its range and reported differences in numbers of marginal setae, preopercular pores, submarginal tubercles and pocket-like sclerotisations, and different lengths of antennae and legs. Similarly, Hodgson (1994a) reported that adult females collected from Chad and Laos differed from those of other countries. Both Hodgson and Ben-Dov thought morphological differences might be linked to cryptic species diversity within P. nigra, but neither thought the evidence conclusive. Based on De Lotto’s redescription and investigation,Łagowska & Hodgson (2019) concluded that C. asiaticus Lindinger is not a synonym of P. nigra and so they resurrected L.caudatum Green as asiaticus Lindinger (1932),. Unlike P. nigra, C. asiaticus (i) completely lacks a submarginal band of ventral tubular ducts; it also differs by having (ii) ventral tubular ducts present medially on the thorax (absent in P. nigra); (iii) 7-segmented antennae (rather than 8-segmented antennae); (iv) lacks dorsal polygonal areas throughout the dorsum (present in P. nigra); (v) it lacks submarginal tubercles and pocket-like invaginations (present in P. nigra), and (vi) has a tibio-tarsal articulatory sclerosis (absent in P. nigra).
- Economic Importance: Biology and pest status on coffee presented by Le Pelley (1968).
- General Remarks: Adult female redescribed and illustrated (as C. caudatus) by De Lotto (1957c), vy Mrilw-Dweeweo (1987) and Tang, (1991)
- BenDov1993: catalog, 67
- CaoWaHo2022: key, 126
- DeLott1957c: description, illustration, 295–314.
- DeLott1959: distribution, key, taxonomy, 151, 154, 158
- Fernal1903b: taxonomy, 200-201,204-205
- Fernal1903b: catalog, 325
- Green1896: distribution, host, 9
- Kondo2001: distribution, taxonomy, 41
- LagowsHo2019: diagnosis, key, taxonomy, 380
- LePell1968: distribution, economic importance, host,
- Lindin1932f: taxonomy, 201
- Signor1869: taxonomy, 848
- Signor1877: distribution, taxonomy, 612
- TanakaKo2015: distribution, 112
- Tao1978: distribution, host, 84
- TaoWoCh1983: taxonomy, 76
- Varshn1992: distribution, host, taxonomy, 83
- Walker1852: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 1085
- Watson2021: distribution, 521
- WilliaBe2009: catalog,
- WilliaBe2009: taxonomy, 14