Valid Names Results
Coccidohystrix insolita (Green, 1908) (Pseudococcidae: Coccidohystrix)Nomenclatural History
- Phenacoccus nivalis; Grandpré & Charmoy 1899: 42. misidentification (discovered by Mamet1949, 11).
- Phenacoccus insolitus Green 1908a: 26. Type data: INDIA: Bengal, Pusa, on Sida cordifolia. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (WilliaWa1988a,235). Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Tylococcus insolitus (Green, 1908); Brain 1915: 95. change of combination
- Centrococcus insolitus (Green, 1908); Ferris 1954a: 54. change of combination
- Coccidohystrix insolita (Green, 1908); De Lotto 1969: 2. change of combination
- Coccidohystrix insulata (Green, 1908); Hodgson & Hardy 2013: 797. misspelling of species epithet
- Coccidohystrix iceryoides Sahu, et al. 2019: 95. questionable identification
Common Names
- eggplant mealybug LitCa1994a LitCaCa1998
- cochinilla harinosa de la berenjena SirisenSaKo2022
Ecological Associates
Families: 21 | Genera: 51
- Acanthaceae
- Acanthaceae | Matile1984c
- Anisotes trisulcus | BenDov1994 Matile1988
- Barleria cristata | Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Justicia adhatoda | Ali1970a Varshn1992 Willia2004a | (= Adhatoda vasica)
- Amaranthaceae
- Achyranthes | Ali1970a Ramakr1930 Varshn1992
- Achyranthes aspera | Ali1970a AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 Lit1997a Varshn1992
- Alternanthera | MooreWaBa2014 Willia2004a
- Chenopodium album | Varshn1992
- Gomphrena celosioides | LitCaCa1998
- Gomphrena globosa | LitCaCa1998
- Apocynaceae
- Tabernaemontana | BenDov1994 Newste1911a Willia1958
- Araceae
- Schismatoglottis | Willia2004a
- Arecaceae
- Cocos nucifera | BenDov1994 WilliaWa1988a
- Aristolochiaceae
- Aristolochia indica | Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Asteraceae
- Mikania | Lit1997a
- Psiadia | Mamet1951
- Psiadia altissima | BenDov1994 Mamet1951
- Brassicaceae
- Brassica oleracea | SengutKu2018
- Cistaceae
- Cistus ladanifer | BenDovSa2015
- Halimium halimifolium | BenDovSa2015
- Cucurbitaceae
- Momordica dioica | Varshn1992
- Euphorbiaceae
- Acalypha | Willia2004a
- Croton bonplandianus | Ali1970a Varshn1992 | (= Croton sparsiflorus)
- Euphorbia pulcherrima | AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 Varshn1992
- Manihot esculenta | SartiaAdRa2022 | (= Manihot utilissima)
- Fabaceae
- Cajanus | Ferris1954a Tang1992
- Cajanus cajan | Afifi1968 Ali1970a BenDov1994 Green1922 Green1937 LitCaCa1998 Varshn1992 Willia2004a | (= Cajanus indicus)
- Crotalaria berteroana | BenDov1994 Mamet1950 | (= Crotalaria fulva)
- Dalbergia sissoo | Varshn1992
- Strongylodon | Willia2004a
- Tephrosia purpurea | Willia2004a
- Loranthaceae
- Erianthemum | Willia2004a
- Malvaceae
- Abutilon | Ali1970a Ramakr1930 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Abutilon indicum | AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Dombeya | BenDov1994 Mamet1954
- Hibiscus | Brain1915 Mamet1954 MunroFo1936 Willia1958 Willia2004a
- Hibiscus rosa-sinensis | BenDov1994 DeLott1969 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Malachra capitata | Ali1970a Varshn1992
- Malvastrum coromandelianum | LitCaCa1998
- Sida | Ali1970a Lit1997a Ramakr1930
- Sida cordifolia | Ali1968 BenDov1994 Ferris1954a Green1908a Green1922 Green1937 Mamet1949 Varshn1992 Willia1958 Willia2004a
- Sida rhombifolia | BenDov1994 James1934a LitCaCa1998 Willia1958 Willia2004a
- Triumfetta | Ali1970a Ramakr1930 Varshn1992
- Menispermaceae
- Cyclea | Ferris1954a Tang1992 Willia2004a
- Cyclea peltata | Ali1970a BenDov1994 Green1922 Green1937 Varshn1992 | (= Cyclea burmanni)
- Moraceae
- Artocarpus heterophyllus | AriasCRoHe2022
- Ficus | Varshn1992
- Morus alba | Varshn1992
- Poaceae
- Oryza sativa | Willia2004a
- Rhamnaceae
- Ziziphus jujuba | Willia2004a
- Rubiaceae
- Coffea canephora | Willia2004a | (= Coffea robusta)
- Solanaceae
- Brunfelsia | Willia2005
- Cyphomandra betacea | Willia2004a
- Datura | Ali1970a Varshn1992
- Datura metel | Ali1970a LitCaCa1998 Varshn1992 | (= Datura alba)(= Datura fastuosa)
- Datura stramonium | LitCaCa1998
- Lycianthes biflora | LitCaCa1998 | (= Solanum biflorum)
- Nicotiana tabacum | LitCaCa1998
- Physalis peruviana | BenDov1994 DeLott1964 Green1937 Mamet1949 WilliaMa2005a
- Physalis pruinosa | Ali1968 Varshn1992 | (= Physalis maxima)
- Solanum | DeLott1969 Ferris1954a GrandpCh1899 Lit1997a LitCaCa1998 Tang1992 Willia2004a
- Solanum asperolanatum | AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 Varshn1992 | (= Solanum hispidum)
- Solanum dianthophorum | LitCaCa1998
- Solanum giganteum | BenDov1994 DeLott1964
- Solanum incanum | BenDov1994 DeLott1964
- Solanum lycopersicum | WilliaMa2005a | (= Lycopersicon esculentum)
- Solanum mauritianum | BenDov1994 Mamet1949 | (= Solanum auriculatum)
- Solanum melongena | Ali1970a AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 Green1922 Green1937 Lit1997a Mamet1949 Varshn1992 | (= Solanum indicum)
- Solanum torvum | SartiaAdRa2022
- Solanum tuberosum | BenDov1994 Mamet1949 Willia2004a
- Solanum virginianum | Willia2005 | (= Solanum xanthocarpum)
- Withania somnifera | Ali1970a Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Zygophyllaceae
- Tribulus | Ali1970a Ramakr1930 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
Families: 10 | Genera: 21
- Aphelinidae
- Coccophagus pseudococci | MooreWaBa2014
- Clavicipitaceae
- Metarhizium anisopliae | LitCaCa1998 MooreWaBa2014
- Coccinellida
- Anegleis cardoni | Afroze2000
- Coccinellidae
- Hyperaspis maindroni | LitCaCa1998
- Nephus regularis | LitCaCa1998
- Scymnus coccivora | VidyaBh2017
- Encyrtidae
- Adektitopus longipennis | MooreWaBa2014
- Anagyrus gracilis | MooreWaBa2014
- Apoleptomastix bicoloricornis | MooreWaBa2014
- Blepyrus insularis | MooreWaBa2014
- Gyranusoidea signata | MooreWaBa2014
- Homalotylus albiclavatus | MooreWaBa2014
- Homalotylus hemipterinus | MooreWaBa2014
- Homalotylus indicus | MooreWaBa2014
- Homalotylus turkmenicus | MooreWaBa2014
- Leptomastix nigrocincta | MooreWaBa2014
- Leptomastix nigrocoxalis | LitCaCa1998
- Neocharitopus orientalis | MooreWaBa2014
- Paranathrix tachikawai | MooreWaBa2014
- Prochiloneurus albifuniculus | MooreWaBa2014
- Prochiloneurus pulchellus | MooreWaBa2014
- Eulophidae
- Aprostocetus | MooreWaBa2014
- Aprostocetus ajmerensis | MooreWaBa2014
- Aprostocetus jaipurensis | MooreWaBa2014
- Lycaenidae
- Spalgis epeus | LitCaCa1998
- Spalgis epius | DineshVe2016
- Pteromalidae
- Catolaccus crassiceps | MooreWaBa2014
- Reduviidae
- Rhynocoris marginatus | KitherKuBa2018
- Signiphoridae
- Chartocerus hyalipennis | MooreWaBa2014
- Chartocerus kerrichi | MooreWaBa2014
- Chartocerus kurdjumovi | MooreWaBa2014
Families: 2 | Genera: 4
- Betaproteobacteria
- Candidatus Tremblaya phenacola | ChoiLe2022
- Formicidae
- Anoplolepis gracilipes | MooreWaBa2014
- Dolichoderus | MooreWaBa2014
- Solenopsis geminata | MooreWaBa2014
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 22
- Bangladesh | BenDov1994 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Burma (=Myanmar) | Willia2004a
- China | Ali1970a BenDov1994 Ferris1954a Tang1992 TangHaTa1992
- Guam | MooreWaBa2014
- India | Ali1970a BenDov1994 Ferris1954a GhoshGh1988AB Green1908a NurBrBe1987 Varshn1992
- Andhra Pradesh | Willia2004a
- Bihar | Ali1970a AvasthSh1987 BenDov1994 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Goa | Ali1970a Varshn1992
- Gujarat | Willia2004a
- Haryana | Varshn1992
- Karnataka | Willia2004a Willia2005
- Kerala | Ali1970a Varshn1992
- Madhya Pradesh | Willia2004a
- Maharashtra | Willia2004a
- Odisha (=Orissa) | Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Punjab | Ali1970a
- Rajasthan | Willia2004a
- Tamil Nadu | AvasthSh1987 SengutKu2018 SureshCh2008 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Uttar Pradesh | AvasthSh1987 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- West Bengal | Ali1970a Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Indonesia
- Java | SartiaAdRa2022
- Sumatra | SartiaAdRa2022
- Kenya | BenDov1994 DeLott1964 James1934a Newste1911a
- Laos | Willia2004a
- Madagascar | BenDov1994 Mamet1950 Mamet1951 Mamet1954
- Pakistan | BenDov1994 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Philippines
- Luzon | Lit1997a LitCa1994a LitCaCa1998 Willia2004a
- Mindanao | Lit1997a
- Rodriques Island | BenDov1994 GrandpCh1899 Mamet1949
- Saudi Arabia | BenDov1994 Matile1984c Matile1988
- Singapore | MooreWaBa2014
- South Africa | BenDov1994 Brain1915 DeLott1969 MunroFo1936
- Spain | BenDovSa2015
- Sri Lanka | Ali1970a BenDov1994 Green1922 Green1937 Varshn1992 Willia2004a
- Tanzania | BenDov1994 DeLott1964
- Thailand | Willia2004a Willia2005
- Vietnam | Willia2004a
- Western Samoa | BenDov1994 WilliaWa1988a
- Zanzibar | WilliaMa2005a
- Hodgso2020: pp.32-34 ( Adult (M) ) [higher groups of Pseudococcidae]
- Tanaka2020a: pp.7-9 ( Adult (F) ) [Coccidohystrix sensu stricto]
- Gavril2016b: pp.185-186 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of Coccidohystrix]
- KaydanPeSz2015: pp.358 ( Adult (F) ) [Palaearctic species of Coccidohystrix]
- GavrilMa2014: pp.97-98 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Palaearctic species of Coccidohystrix]
- DanzigGa2014: pp.558-560 ( Adult (F) ) [Palaearctic Coccidohystrix species]
- DanzigKaGa2012: pp.237-238 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of the genera Artemicoccus and Coccidohistrix]
- WilliaMa2009a: pp.97-101 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococcidae species from Mauritius]
- Willia2004a: pp.116 ( Adult (F) ) [Coccidohystrix species southern Asia]
- LitCaCa1998: pp.32 ( Adult (F) ) [Philippines]
- Tang1992: pp.395 ( Adult (F) ) [Palaearctic & Oriental regions]
- Systematics: Adult female C. insolita can be distinguished from C. elusine (the two species of Coccidohystrix in the Oriental region) as follows (character states of C. elusine given in parentheses): cerarii numbering 17 pairs (18 pairs); dorsum without oral collar tubular ducts (with oral collar tubular ducts); claw with a denticle (claw without a denticle); and ventral multilocular disc pores present as far forwards as metathorax (multilocular pores confined to venter of abdominal segments VI-IX). (Sartiami, et al., 2022)
- Structure: Colour photograph given by Lit et al. (1998) and Moore, et al., 2014. 9-segmented; posterior ostioles present, anterior ostioles absent; cerarii on margins numbering 17 pairs, numerous dorsal cerarii present also, each cerarius consisting of 1-15 large conical setae situated on a sclerotized prominence, without any associated trilocular pores; legs well developed, each claw with a denticle present on plantar surface; circulus absent; anal lobes well developed, each with a sclerotized ventral bar; quinquelocular pores numerous on venter; multilocular disc pores numerous on venter of abdominal segments III-IX, a few also present on the venter of segments I and II and on the dorsum of segment VII; ventral oral collar ducts present on submargins of abdominal segments V-VIII; oral rim ducts absent entirely. (Moore, et al., 2014)
- Biology: Living on the leaves and stems of its host plant. Associated with Dolichoderus bituberculatus, Solenopsis geminata, Anaplolepis longipes.
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Ferris (1954a), De Lotto (1964), Avasthi & Shafee (1987), Ghosh, A. B. & Ghose (1988), Williams & Watson (1988a), Lit et al. (1998) and by Williams (2004a). Good description and illustration of the adult male given by Afifi (1968).
- Afifi1968: description, distribution, host, illustration, male, taxonomy, 159-163
- Afroze2000: biological control, distribution, host, 55-62
- Ali1970a: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 91
- AnwarNaJa2020: entomopathogenic fungi,
- AvasthSh1987: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 11-14
- BenDov1994: catalog, 95, 96
- BenDovSa2015: distribution, host, 314
- BoradBh1996: biological control, distribution, ecology, host, life history, 41-49
- BoradBh1996a: biological control, ecology, economic importance, 125-128
- BoradBh1997c: chemical control, 78-87
- Brain1915: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 96-98
- BrainKe1917: distribution, 182
- ChenWoWu2012: distribution, taxonomy, 299
- ChoiLe2022: endosymbiont, phylogeny, 358,359
- DanzigGa2014: distribution, host, key, taxonomy, 568
- DanzigKaGa2012: taxonomy, 238
- DeLott1964: distribution, host, taxonomy, 345
- DeLott1969: taxonomy, 2
- DineshVe2016: biological control, natural enemies,
- Ferris1922b: taxonomy, 247
- Ferris1954a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 54
- Gavril2016b: key, 185
- GhoshGh1988AB: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 817-824
- GrandpCh1899: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 42, 43
- Green1908a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 26, 27
- Green1922: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 390, 391
- Green1937: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 290
- HaqueGh2007: biological control, chemical control, 209-211
- Hodgso2012: taxonomy, 62
- Hodgso2020: key, 33
- HodgsoHa2013: phylogeny, taxonomy, 797
- James1934a: distribution, host, 272
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 29
- KedarAnJo2024: economic importance, host, natural enemies, phenology, 4, 10
- KitherKuBa2018: biological control,
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, history, host, list, 23
- Lit1997a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 35
- LitCa1994a: distribution, host, 389
- LitCaCa1998: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy, 32-38
- Mamet1949: catalog, distribution, host, 11
- Mamet1950: distribution, host, 21
- Mamet1951: distribution, host, 223
- Mamet1954: distribution, host, 10
- Matile1984c: distribution, host, 223
- Matile1988: distribution, host, 35
- Millar2002: illustration, 212
- Mohamm1963: distribution, host, taxonomy, 128
- Mohara1990: taxonomy, 47
- MooreWaBa2014: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 1-7
- MunroFo1936: catalog, distribution, host, 96
- Nalini2016: host, natural enemies, 674
- Newste1911a: distribution, host, illustration, 164
- NurBrBe1987: distribution, taxonomy, 54
- ParidaMo1982: taxonomy, 19
- PuttarCh1953a: biological control, 87-95
- Ramakr1919: distribution, host, 626-627
- Ramakr1921a: catalog, distribution, host, 344
- Ramakr1930: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 61
- Ramakr1941: distribution, host, 107-113
- SahuJoGa2019: host, 95
- SahuJoGa2019: biological control, distribution, natural enemies,
- SartiaAdRa2022: biology, diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, morphology,
- SengutKu2018: distribution, host,
- SiriseWaHe2015: SEM,
- SirisenSaKo2022: biology, control, diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 132-133
- SureshCh2008: distribution, economic importance, host, 285-291
- Tanaka2020a: karyotype,
- Tang1992: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 395
- TangHaTa1992: distribution, host, 7
- Tao1999: distribution, host, taxonomy, 11
- TirunaSa2024: distribution, natural enemies, record,
- UsmanPu1955: distribution, host, 47
- Varshn1992: distribution, host, 40, 41
- VeaGr2015: phylogeny, 64
- VeaGr2016: evolution, 4
- VidyaBh2017: distribution, host, natural enemies, 214
- Watson2021: distribution, 526
- Willia1958: distribution, host, taxonomy, 224, 225
- Willia2004a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 118-121
- Willia2005: distribution, host, 167
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 247
- WilliaMa2005a: distribution, host, 146
- WilliaMa2009a: taxonomy, 97-101
- WilliaWa1988a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 34-35