Valid Names Results
Ceronema asparagi (Brain, 1920) (Coccidae: Ceronema)Nomenclatural History
- Lichtensia asparagi Brain 1920a: 23. Type data: SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape Province, on Asparagus capensis.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Pretoria: South African National Collection of Insects, South Africa; accepted valid name
- Filippia asparagi (Brain, 1920); Lindinger 1928: 107. change of combination resulting in homonymy Notes: Homonym of Filippia asparagi (Giard, 1894). Steinweden, 1929 synonymized Lichtensia with Filippia creating the secondary homonym. Although Lindinger's paper bore the date 1928, it was actually published in 1931.
- Filippia braini Lindinger 1928: 107. replacement name that is unjustified (discovered by BenDov1993, 17).
- Ceronema asparagi (Brain, 1920); Matile-Ferrero 1978: 44. change of combination
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 1 | Genera: 1
- Asparagaceae
- Asparagus capensis | Brain1920a
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 1
- South Africa | Brain1920a
- BenDov1993: catalog, 17
- Brain1920a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 23
- Hodgso2021: taxonomy, 58
- Lindin1928: taxonomy, 107
- Matile1978: taxonomy, 44