Valid Names Results
Carulaspis visci (Schrank, 1781) (Diaspididae: Carulaspis)Nomenclatural History
- Coccus visci Schrank 1781: 296. Type data: AUSTRIA: on Viscum album. Unknown type status, unknown, Type depository: Sacramento: California State Collection of Arthropods, California Dept. Food & Agriculture, California, USA; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Aspidiotus visci (Schrank, 1781); Löw 1872: 110. change of combination
- Diaspis visci (Schrank, 1781); Löw 1872: 273. change of combination
- Diaspis juniperi visci Lindinger 1909b: 222-223. Type data: GERMANY: on Viscum album, 1908. Syntypes, female, junior synonym (discovered by Borchs1966, 161).
- Diaspis taxicola; Balachowsky 1927: 182. incorrect synonymy (discovered by Borchs1966, 161).
- Diaspis visor (Schrank, 1781); Lindinger 1932f: 201. misspelling of species epithet
- Carulaspis visci (Schrank, 1781); Ferris 1941e: 49. change of combination
Common Names
- mistletoe scale KosztaKo1988F
Ecological Associates
Families: 4 | Genera: 6
- Cupressaceae
- Juniperus | Schonf2015
- Juniperus oxycedrus | BicheArMe2022
- Juniperus phoenicea | BicheArMe2022
- Platycladus orientalis | BatsanKaKi2017
- Thuja | Moghad2013a
- Pinaceae
- Pinus | BicheArMe2022
- Santalaceae
- Viscum album | Borchs1966
- Taxaceae
- Taxus baccata | BicheArMe2022
Families: 2 | Genera: 3
- Aphelinidae
- Aphytis aonidiae | NikolsYa1966
- Aphytis hispanicus | NikolsYa1966
- Aphytis mytilaspidis | NikolsYa1966
- Aphytis proclia | NikolsYa1966
- Encarsia citrina | HuangPo1998 NikolsYa1966 | (= Aspidiotiphagus citrinus)
- Encarsia lounsburyi | HuangPo1998 McGugaCo1962 | (= Aspidiotiphagus lounsburyi)
- Coccinellidae
- Chilocorus bipustulatus | VieiraCaPi1983
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 21
- Algeria | BicheArMe2022
- Austria | KosztaKo1988F
- Azerbaijan | Aligey2016
- Belgium | VerstrSe1969 | TrenchTo2014 Tsalev1968
- Canary Islands | CarnerPe1986 MatileOr2001
- Chile | Gonzal2016
- Corsica | Foldi2003
- Czechoslovakia | KosztaKo1988F
- Egypt | Ezzat1958
- France | Foldi2001
- Georgia (Republic of) | BatsanKaKi2017
- Germany | KosztaKo1988F SchmutHo2016
- Greece | MilonaKoKo2008a
- Hungary | KosztaKo1988F KozarKoFe2013
- Italy | KosztaKo1988F
- Sicily | LongoMaPe1995
- Madeira Islands | FrancoRuMa2011
- Portugal | FrancoRuMa2011
- Romania | FetykoKoDa2010
- Sardinia | PellizFo1996
- Spain | SoriaCaMu1993
- United States
- Oregon | SchuhMo1948
- NucifoMaKa2025: pp.135 ( Adult (F) ) [Carulaspis species]
- Danzig1993: pp.381 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Carulaspis]
- Danzig1971d: pp.844 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of family Diaspididae]
- Lupo1966: pp.42 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Carulaspis]
- Danzig1964: pp.649 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Carulaspis]
- Balach1954e: pp.203 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Carulaspis]
- Borchs1950b: pp.206 ( ) [Key to species of Carulaspis]
- Systematics: There has been much confusion about the species Carulaspis visci, C. juniperi, C. minima and C. caruelii(=C. minima). C. visci only occurs on mistletoe (Viscum spp.) and so records of it on any other host must be considered misidentifications of other Carulaspis species. All New Zealand records of C. visci are actually C. juniperi (Deitz, 1979a). Although, Moghaddam and Watson (2021) did not state that the report of Carulaspis visci in Iran (Moghaddam, 2013a) was also erroneous, they say that it is no longer reported from Iran.
- Structure: Scale of adult female is circular with the exuviae central; the scale is white, the exuviae dark yellow or brown (Comstock, 1883).
- Biology: Carulaspis visci causes galls in the form of rounded swellings on the leaf of host. Scale is deeply imbedded in the center of a hemispheric cavity lined and covered with the follicle. The morphological alteration of the plant is caused by the hypotrophy of the parenchymatic cells in the area nearest to the insertion of the mouth stylets, and by the hypertrophy of the same tissue in the more distant parts of the mesophyll (Goidanich, 1960).
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, 32
- Aligey2016: natural enemies,
- ArgyriStMo1976: biological control, distribution, host, 25
- Baccet1960: distribution, host, taxonomy, 23, 64
- Balach1927: taxonomy, 182
- Balach1954e: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 203, 206-210
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 257
- BeardsGo1975: host, 48
- BicheArMe2022: distribution, host, 504
- Boraty1957: distribution, host, taxonomy, 246-247
- Boraty1968a: host, taxonomy, 33, 34, 35
- Borchs1950b: taxonomy, 206
- Borchs1966: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 161
- CarnerPe1986: distribution, host, taxonomy, 30
- Comsto1883: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 96-97
- Comsto1916: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 557-558
- Danzig1971d: taxonomy, 844
- Danzig1993: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 381, 384-385
- DanzigPe1998: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 204-205
- DeBach1964d: biological control, distribution, host, 12, 13
- DeSant1979: biological control, 330, 331
- Deitz1979a: distribution, 459
- Deitz1979b: distribution, 23
- DouttDe1964: distribution, host, 121
- Ezzat1958: distribution, 244
- Ferris1941e: taxonomy, 49
- Ferris1942: taxonomy, SIV-446:49
- FetykoKoDa2010: distribution, 295
- Foldi2001: distribution, 306
- Foldi2003: distribution, 152
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, 9
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, 9,23
- Goidan1960: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 2-12
- Gonzal2016: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 173-174
- Hall1946a: taxonomy, 507, 548, 552, 554,
- Hellri2004: distribution, host, 87
- HuangPo1998: biological control, 1859, 1910
- Jansen2001: distribution, 198
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 25
- Kaweck1962: host, 22
- KnechtNe1959: distribution, host, illustration, 90
- Korone1934: 85, 90
- KosztaKo1978: illustration, taxonomy, 150, 151
- KosztaKo1988F: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 331-332
- Kozar1983a: distribution, taxonomy, 148
- KozarKoFe2013: distribution, taxonomy, 54
- KozarWa1985: catalog, distribution, 82
- LagowsGo2020: distribution, 73
- Lashin1956: distribution, host, taxonomy, 133
- Lindin1907: taxonomy, 5
- Lindin1909b: taxonomy, 222
- Lindin1911a: taxonomy, 31
- Lindin1932f: taxonomy, 201
- Lindin1935: taxonomy, 134
- Lindin1958: taxonomy, 366
- LongoMaPe1995: distribution, 126
- LongoMaPe1999a: distribution, 146
- Low1872: description, taxonomy, 275-277
- Lupo1966: description, distribution, illustration, taxonomy, 37, 38, 42
- MatileOr2001: distribution, 189
- McGugaCo1962: biological control, distribution, economic importance, 38, 53
- McKenz1956: distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 91-93
- Meyer1987: physiology, 128
- MilonaKoKo2008a: distribution, 144
- Moghad2004: distribution, host, 35
- Moghad2013a: distribution, host, 18
- NikolsYa1966: biological control, distribution, 196, 199, 204, 206,
- NucifoMaKa2025: key, taxonomy, 128, 135
- Panis1981: distribution, taxonomy, 2, 7
- Pelliz2011: distribution, 311-312
- PellizChMi2015: distribution, 61,70
- PellizFo1996: distribution, 121
- PerezGCa1985: distribution, 316
- RosenDe1978: taxonomy, 100, 102
- RosenDe1979: biological control, distribution, 756
- Savesc1961: distribution, taxonomy, 23, 24
- SchmutHo2016: distribution, host, 57
- Schran1781: description, 296
- SchuhMo1948: biology, chemical control, diagnosis, distribution, host, 46
- Signor1869c: description, host, 134
- Signor1877: catalog, description, host, taxonomy, 603
- SoriaCaMu1993: description, distribution, host, illustration, 273, 274-275
- SoriaMoVi2000: distribution, host, 339
- Szulcz1926: distribution, host, taxonomy, 139-140
- Terezn1959: description, distribution, taxonomy, 684-685
- TrenchTo2014: distribution, 69
- Vayssi1915: distribution, host, taxonomy, 298
- VerstrSe1969: biological control, distribution, host, 34-36
- VieiraCaPi1983: biological control, distribution, taxonomy, 114-115
- Vinis1981a: host, taxonomy, 62
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 235
- WilliaBe2009: catalog, 48
- Zahrad1972: distribution, taxonomy, 429