Valid Names Results
Callipappus farinosus Fuller, 1897 (Callipappidae: Callipappus)Nomenclatural History
- Callipappus farinosus Fuller 1897b: 1346. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia, Perth, on Casuarina beneath dead bark.. Syntypes, female, accepted valid name
- Callipappus bufo Fuller 1897b: 1346. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia, on Casuarina, Banksia attenuata and Banksia ilicifolia.. Syntypes, female, junior synonym (discovered by Frogga1921b, 42).
- Callipappus farinosus; Fuller, 1897; Fuller 1897c: 10. subsequent use Notes: Again described as n. sp.
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 3 | Genera: 4
- Casuarinaceae
- Allocasuarina humilis | Fuller1899 | (= Casuarina humilis)
- Casuarina | Fuller1897b Fuller1899
- Myrtaceae
- Eucalyptus marginata | Lindin1913a
- Proteaceae
- Banksia attenuata | Fuller1897b
- Banksia ilicifolia | Fuller1897b Fuller1899
- Banksia menziesii | Fuller1899
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 1
- Australia
- Western Australia | Fuller1897b
- Morris1928: pp.86 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of Callipappus]
- MorrisMo1923: pp.43 ( Adult (F) ) [world]
- Systematics: Callipappus farinosus and Callipappus bufo were described (Fuller, 1897b) on the same page, but the former has line priority. Fuller (1899) again described C. farinosus and C. bufo as "n. sp.". The synonymy of C. bufo with C. farinosus was introduced by Froggatt (1921b).
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Fuller (1897b, 1899).
- BenDov2005a: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 45
- Cocker1902q: distribution, taxonomy, 258
- Fernal1903b: 31
- Foldi2001a: taxonomy, 197
- Frogga1921b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 42
- Fuller1897b: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 1346
- Fuller1897c: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 10,11
- Fuller1899: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 437-438
- Gavril2018: illustration, 7
- GiraldWiDo2024: behavior, distribution, host, Dataset S4
- Lindin1913a: distribution, host, 348
- Morris1928: distribution, taxonomy, 86,223
- MorrisMo1923: taxonomy, 41-44