Valid Names Results
Burmorthezia kotejai Vea & Gimaldi, 2012 (Ortheziidae: Burmorthezia)Nomenclatural History
- Burmorthezia kotejai Vea & Gimaldi 2012: 763-765. Type data: NORTHERN MYANMAR: Kachin State, Tanai Village (on Ledo Rd, 105km NY Myitkyna), Upper Cretaceous, by Leeward Capitol Corp., 2000. Holotype, immature, by original designation Type depository: New York: American Museum of Natural History, Department of Entomology Collection, New York, USA; accepted valid name Notes: Specimen in amber. Extinct. Illustr.
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 1
- Burma (=Myanmar) | VeaGi2012
- Systematics: Distinguished from Burmorthezia insolita by the narrower and longer first segment relative to other antennal segments, V-shaped (vs flat) frontal margin, and setae on legs about twice the length of those in B. insolita. (Vea & Grimaldi, 2012)
- Structure: Adult female and male unknown. Second-instar nymph. Body elongate oval, dorsoventrally flattened. Antennae 6-segmented, inserted ventrally at V-shaped frontal margin, with apical segment slightly clavate. Second segment bears two stiff, erect, spine-like setae on lateral surface. Wax secretion of ortheziid type, with apparently nine marginal lobes, one frontal lobe, and at least 11 unseparated, transverse median lobes (head region not visible). All wax lobes protrude posteriad. (Vea & Grimaldi, 2012)
- General Remarks: Description of second-instar nymph in Vea & Grimaldi, 2012.
- PoinarVe2023: fossil, nymph, 126
- VeaGi2012: description, illustration, structure, taxonomy, 763-765
- VeaGr2015: distribution, 68