Valid Names Results
Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead, 1906 (Diaspididae: Aulacaspis)Nomenclatural History
- Diaspis (Aulacaspis) rosae; Maxwell-Lefroy 1903: 45. misidentification (discovered by Borchs1966, 141).
- Aulacaspis (Diaspis) tubercularis Newstead 1906a: 73. Type data: INDONESIA: Java, on Cinnamomum zeylanicum. Holotype, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; accepted valid name
- Aulacaspis cinnamomi Newstead 1908b: 34-35. Type data: INDONESIA: Java, on Cinamomum zeylanicum, 07/01/1903. Holotype, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Willia1961a, 92). Illustr.
- Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead, 1906; Sanders 1909a: 49. change of combination
- Diaspis (Aulacaspis) cinnamomi mangiferae Newstead 1911: 86. Type data: SRI LANKA: Helwan, 31/08/1910. Unknown type status, unknown, junior synonym (discovered by Willia1961a, 92).
- Aulacaspis cinnamomi mangiferae (Newstead, 1911); Sasscer 1912: 90. change of combination
- Diaspis mangiferae Newstead, 1911; Ramakrishna Ayyar 1919a: 13. change of combination
- Diaspis cinnamomi-mangiferae Newstead, 1911; Green 1919c: 433. change of combination
- Aulacaspis mangiferae (Newstead, 1911); MacGillivray 1921: 317. change of combination
- Aulacaspis sinnamomi Newstead, 1908; Kuwana 1926: 22, 30. misspelling of species epithet
- Diaspis (Aulacaspis) cinnamomi (Newstead, 1908); Hall 1928: 279. change of combination
- Diaspis (Aulacaspis) tubercularis (Newstead, 1906); Scott 1952: 35. change of combination
- Pseudaulacaspis tubercularis; Walker, et al. 1974: 11. misspelling of genus name
- Anlacaspis tubercularis; Rehmat, Anis, Khan, Fatma & Begum 2011. misspelling of genus name
- Aucalaspis tubercularis; Meurgey 2011: 80. misspelling of genus name
- Aulacaspis tuberclaris Newstead, 1906; Grové & De Beers 2017: 300. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
- cinnamomum scale VelasqRi1969
- cinnamon scale Fennah1947
- escama blanca del mango Clavij1977
- escama del mango Mosque1976
- mango scale ColonFMe1998
- white mango scale Jack1936
- cochinilla de la nieve WatsonKo2022a
Ecological Associates
Families: 23 | Genera: 39
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera | DanzigPe1998
- Mangifera indica | Malump2012b Takaha1929 CostaLPeWo2021
- Annonaceae
- Desmos | MillerDa2005
- Arecaceae
- Cocos | MillerDa2005
- Cocos nucifera | Cohic1956
- Burseraceae
- Canarium | WilliaMi2010
- Calophyllaceae
- Calophyllum inophyllum | WilliaMi2010
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cucumis | MillerDa2005
- Cucurbita | MillerDa2005
- Cucurbita pepo | KondoMu2009
- Luffa | MillerDa2005
- Dipterocarpaceae
- Shorea laxa | PetersHaMo2020s2
- Escalloniaceae
- Polyosma | Takagi2010
- Fabaceae
- Acacia | ThuQuCh2021
- Acacia auriculiformis | ThuQuCh2021
- Acacia mangium | ThuQuCh2021
- Iridaceae
- Dietes | MillerDa2005
- Dietes iridioides | Muntin1977 | (= Dietes prolongata)
- Lauraceae
- Actinodaphne sphaerocarpa | Takagi2010
- Cinnamomum | MillerDa2005
- Cinnamomum camphora | Tao1999
- Cinnamomum cassia | ThuQuCh2021
- Cinnamomum parthenoxylon | MartinLa2011
- Cinnamomum verum | Newste1908b Varshn2002 Watson2002a | (= Cinnamomum zeylanicum) (= Cinnamomum ceylanicum)
- Laurus | MillerDa2005
- Laurus nobilis | Takagi1970
- Lindera | Takagi2010
- Lindera nacusua | Takagi2010
- Lindera pipericarpa | Takagi2010
- Lindera pulcherrima | Takagi2010
- Litsea | MillerDa2005
- Litsea glutinosa | Kuwana1926 | (= Litsea sebifera)
- Litsea laurifolia | Mamet1957
- Litsea monopetala | Mamet1943a | (= Litsea polyantha)
- Litsea pungens | Tang1986
- Litsea rotundifolia | MartinLa2011 | var. oblongifolia
- Machilus | Takaha1929 MillerDa2005
- Machilus wangchiana | MartinLa2011 | (= Persea kadooriei)
- Neolitsea lanuginosa | Takagi2010
- Persea | MillerDa2005 Takagi2010
- Persea americana | KondoMu2016 Watson2002a
- Phoebe | Tao1999
- Loranthaceae
- Gaiadendron | MillerDa2005
- Meliaceae
- Aglaia | MillerDa2005
- Aglaia odorata | JansenAl2023
- Azadirachta indica | JansenAl2023
- Xylocarpus granatum | TakagiDe2009
- Myrtaceae
- Psidium | MillerDa2005
- Pentaphylacaceae
- Ternstroemia | Takagi2010
- Pittosporaceae
- Pittosporum | MillerDa2005
- Pittosporum glabratum | Chen1983
- Proteaceae
- Protea | JansenAl2023
- Rhizophoraceae
- Bruguiera sexangula | TakagiDe2009
- Rhizophora apiculata | TakagiDe2009
- Rosaceae
- Prunus | MillerDa2005
- Rutaceae
- Citrus | Borchs1966
- Sapindaceae
- Acer | MillerDa2005
- Acer caudatifolium | Tao1978 | (= Acer kawakamii )
- Dimocarpus | MillerDa2005
- Dimocarpus longan | Tao1999
- Litchi | MillerDa2005
- Litchi chinensis | GroveScDe2014
- Nephelium | MillerDa2005
- Schisandraceae
- Illicium cambodianum | Takagi2010
- Zingiberaceae
- Zingiber officinale | Watson2002a
Families: 11 | Genera: 35
- Coccinellidae
- Cryptognatha auriculata | NotzP1974 PinoBiBo2020
- Aphelinidae
- Aphytis | AhmadGh1972
- Aphytis chionaspis | NeserPr2001
- Aphytis diaspidis | HertinSi1972
- Aphytis hispanicus | PinoBiBo2020
- Aphytis holoxanthus | RamosSaCo2018
- Aphytis lingnanensis | RamosSaCo2018
- Aphytis melinus | GhaniMu1974
- Aphytis mytilaspidis | Watson2002a
- Coccophagus bivittatus | UriasLGaHe2019
- Coccophagus lycimnia | UriasLGaHe2019
- Coccophagus pulvinariae | UriasLGaHe2019 | (= Coccophagus eritraensis)
- Coccophagus scutellaris | UriasLGaHe2019
- Encarsia | DelPinVeBi2023 | near E. lounsburyi
- Encarsia berlesei | HertinSi1972 | (= Prospaltella berlesei)
- Encarsia citrina | Risbec1937 Watson2002a | (= Aspidiotiphagus citrinus)
- Encarsia fasciata | PinoBiBo2020
- Encarsia lounsburyi | Comper1936 | (= Aspidiotiphagus lounsburyi)
- Encarsia obtusiclava | HuangPo1998
- Pteroptrix koebelei | Sankar1984 | (= Artas koebelei)
- Pteroptrix machiaveli | RehmatAnKh2011
- Cecidomyiidae
- Cecidomyiidae | GroveDe2017
- Dentifibula | KolesiDe2014
- Triommata coccidivora | PinoBiBo2020
- Cheyletidae
- Cheyletidae | PinoBiBo2020
- Chrysopidae
- Ceraeochrysa claveri | PinoBiBo2020
- Ceraeochrysa cubana | PinoBiBo2020
- Chrysoperla | PinoBiBo2020
- Chrysoperla carnea | PinoBiBo2020
- Chrysoperla congrua | PinoBiBo2020 | (= Chrysopa otalatis)
- Chrysoperla externa | PinoBiBo2020
- Chrysopodes collaris | PinoBiBo2020 | (= Chrysopa collaris)
- Leucochrysa | PinoBiBo2020
- Leucochrysa cortesi | PinoBiBo2020 | (= Nodita cortezi)
- Mallada boninensis | PinoBiBo2020
- Clavicipitaceae
- Beauveria bassiana | ElkhatMoEl2021
- Metarhizium anisopliae | ElkhatMoEl2021
- Coccinellidae
- Azya | Gordon1980 Mosque1976 PinoBiBo2020
- Azya luteipes | Mosque1976 NotzP1974 PinoBiBo2020 | (= Azya pontbrianti) (= Azya trinitatis)
- Azya orbigera | PinoBiBo2020
- Chilocorus | Chazea1981 DjiratGeKa2017 Watson2002a
- Chilocorus baileyi | PinoBiBo2020
- Chilocorus bipustulatus | PinoBiBo2020
- Chilocorus cacti | PinoBiBo2020
- Chilocorus circumdatus | PinoBiBo2020
- Chilocorus malasiae | Chazea1981
- Chilocorus nigritus | PinoBiBo2020 Watson2002a
- Chilocorus stigma | WaleMe2022
- Coccidophilus | PinoBiBo2020
- Cryptognatha | NotzP1974
- Cryptolaemus montrouzieri | WaleMe2022
- Novius amabilis | PinoBiBo2020
- Pentilia | NotzP1974 PinoBiBo2020
- Pentilia egena |
- Pharoscymnus flexibilis | AhmadGh1972
- Pharoscymnus horni | PinoBiBo2020
- Platynaspis | FitaGeWa2021
- Pseudaspidimerus trinotatus | PinoBiBo2020
- Rhyzobius | PinoBiBo2020
- Rhyzobius lophanthae | Watson2002a FitaGeWa2021
- Rhyzobius pulchellus | PinoBiBo2020
- Scymnus (Pullus) syriacus | PinoBiBo2020
- Stethorus pusillus | PinoBiBo2020
- Zagloba | NotzP1974
- Zagloba beaumonti | PinoBiBo2020
- Cybocephalidae
- Cybocephalus | PinoBiBo2020
- Cybocephalus binotatus | GroveDe2017
- Cybocephalus flavocapitis | PinoBiBo2020
- Cybocephalus micans | PinoBiBo2020
- Cybocephalus nipponicus | PinoBiBo2020
- Cybocephalus rufifrons | PinoBiBo2020 | ssp. flaviceps
- Cybocephalus semiflavus | AhmadGh1972
- Encyrtidae
- Arrhenophagus chionaspidis | RamosSaCo2018
- Habrolepis diaspidi | PinoBiBo2020
- Metaphycus flavus | UriasLGaHe2019
- Microterys flavus | UriasLGaHe2019
- Eriophyidae
- Cecidophyopsis | Watson2002a
- Phlaeothripidae
- Aleurodothrips fasciapennis | UriasLGaHe2019 Watson2002a
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 81
- Andaman Islands | JoshiDu2020 Watson2002a
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Antigua | Watson2002a
- Argentina | AmunCl2015
- Aruba | MillerDa2005 Watson2002a WoodruBeSk1998
- Australia | Watson2002a
- Barbados | Watson2002a
- Benin | Watson2002a
- Bermuda | HodgsoHi1990 MillerDa2005
- Brazil | MillerDa2005
- Bahia | CostaLPeWo2021
- Espirito Santo | CulikMaVe2008
- Goias | Watson2002a
- Maranhao | RamosSaCo2018
- Minas Gerais | Watson2002a
- Pernambuco | CostaLPeWo2021
- Rio Grande do Sul | WolffCo1993a
- Rio de Janeiro | Watson2002a
- Sao Paulo | SilvadGoGa1968
- British Virgin Islands | MillerDa2005 WoodruBeSk1998
- Burma (=Myanmar) | EFSA2022c
- Canary Islands | ArtegaLoAy2003
- Cape Verde | LagowsGoHo2022
- Chile | Gonzal2016
- China | Giliom1966 MillerDa2005
- Guangdong (=Kwangtung) | Tang1986
- Hainan | Tao1999
- Sichuan (=Szechwan) | Tang1986
- Xianggang (=Hong Kong) | Watson2002a
- Colombia | KondoKa1995 MillerDa2005
- Cote d'Ivoire (=Ivory Coast) | Watson2002a
- Dominican Republic | MillerDa2005 WoodruBeSk1998
- Ecuador | JansenAl2023
- Egypt | Hall1922 MillerDa2005 Watson2002a
- El Salvador | EFSA2022k
- Ethiopia | BabegeHaHa2017
- Gambia | MillerDa2005 Watson2002a
- Ghana | Halter1970
- Grenada | MillerDa2005 WoodruBeSk1998
- Guadeloupe | Balach1957c MillerDa2005
- Guyana (=British Guiana) | Watson2002a
- Haiti | NormarOkMo2019
- India | Lit1997b MillerDa2005
- Andhra Pradesh | EFSA2022k
- Bihar | Ali1968
- Gujarat | EFSA2022k
- Haryana | EFSA2022k
- Himachal Pradesh | Verma2014
- Karnataka | Green1919c PrakasPa2015
- Kerala | Watson2002a
- Sikkim | Watson2002a
- Tamil Nadu | Varshn2002
- Uttar Pradesh | Watson2002a
- West Bengal | Watson2002a
- Indonesia | MillerDa2005
- Java | Newste1906a WilliaMi2010
- Kalimantan (=Borneo) | EFSA2022k
- Iraq | Lit1997b MillerDa2005
- Israel | Borchs1966 Lit1997b MillerDa2005
- Italy | MillerDa2005 PellizDa1997 Porcel1990
- Sicily | LoVerdCeAl2020
- Jamaica | Watson2002a
- Japan | Lit1997b MillerDa2005
- Kenya | MillerDa2005 Wheatl1960
- Laos | EFSA2022c
- Liberia | Watson2002a
- Madagascar | Mamet1954 Mamet1959a MillerDa2005
- Madeira Islands | FrancoRuMa2011
- Malawi | Watson2002a
- Malaysia | RazaKhHa2023
- Malaya | Giliom1966 MillerDa2005 TakagiDe2011
- Sabah | EFSA2022k
- Sarawak | EFSA2022k
- Martinique | MillerDa2005 WoodruBeSk1998
- Mauritius | Mamet1943a MillerDa2005 WilliaWi1988
- Mexico
- Colima | BautisRaCa2013
- Jalisco | BautisRaCa2013
- Nayarit | BautisRaCa2013
- Sinaloa | BautisRaCa2013
- Mozambique | Almeid1971 MillerDa2005
- Nepal | EFSA2022c
- Netherlands | JansenAl2023
- New Caledonia | Cohic1956
- Nicobar Islands | JoshiDu2020 RazaKhHa2023
- Pakistan | AhmadGh1972 MillerDa2005
- Papua New Guinea | EFSA2022k
- Philippines | MillerDa2005 TakagiDe2011
- Luzon | Lit1997b
- Portugal | RazaKhHa2023
- Puerto Rico & Vieques Island
- Puerto Rico | Martor1976 MillerDa2005 NakahaMi1981
- Reunion | GermaiMiPa2014 Mamet1957 MillerDa2005 WilliaWi1988
- Rodriques Island | Lit1997b MillerDa2005 WilliaWi1988
- Russia | RazaKhHa2023
- Ryukyu Islands (=Nansei Shoto) | MillerDa2005 YamaguNoOm2000
- Saint Croix | MillerDa2005 Nakaha1983
- Saint Lucia | Watson2002a
- Seychelles | GermaiAtBa2008
- Sierra Leone | Watson2002a
- South Africa | GroveScDe2014 Kuwana1926 MillerDa2005 NeserPr2001
- Spain | PinoBiBo2020
- Sri Lanka | Ali1969 MillerDa2005
- Suriname | Watson2002a
- Taiwan | Ferris1921a MillerDa2005
- Tanzania | Lit1997b MillerDa2005
- Thailand | MillerDa2005 Takaha1942b
- Togo | Watson2002a
- Trinidad and Tobago | MillerDa2005
- Tobago | WoodruBeSk1998
- Trinidad | WoodruBeSk1998
- U.S. Virgin Islands | MillerDa2005 Nakaha1983
- Uganda | DeLott1967a MillerDa2005
- United States
- Florida | FDACS2010 HodgesHa2016 MillerDa2005
- Vanuatu (=New Hebrides) | Chazea1981
- Venezuela | MillerDa2005 Penell1942
- Vietnam | ThuQuCh2021 Watson2002a
- Zambia | Watson2002a
- Zanzibar | Giliom1966 MillerDa2005
- Zimbabwe | Hall1928 MillerDa2005
- JianXi2024: pp.595-597 ( Adult (F) ) [Aulacaspis from China]
- JoshiMoMe2023: pp.244-245 ( Adult (F) ) [Indian species of Aulacaspis]
- JoshiBhSa2023: pp.187 ( Adult (F) ) [Indian species of Aulacaspis]
- TianXi2022: pp.174-176 ( Adult (F) ) [Aulacaspis species from China]
- WeiJiZh2016: pp.18-22 ( Adult (F) ) [Aulacaspis from China]
- SuhJi2009: pp.1041-1043 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of armored scales intercepted on imported plants (slide mounted females)]
- MillerDa2005: pp.29-31 ( Adult (F) ) [Field Key to Economic Armored Scales]
- MillerDa2005: pp.20 ( Adult (F) ) [Armored Scales]
- ColonFMe1998: pp.87 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Aulacaspis of Puerto Rico]
- WolffCo1993a: pp.154 ( Adult (F) ) [Diaspidid species on mango in Brazil]
- Chen1983: pp.35 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Aulacaspis]
- Chou1982: pp.128 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Chinese species of Aulacaspis]
- Muntin1977: pp.2 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to the species of Aulacaspis from southern Africa]
- Ezzat1958: pp.244 ( ) [Key to species of Aulacaspis of Egypt]
- Balach1954e: pp.242 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to Palearctic Aulacaspis] Key as: Aulacaspis mangiferae
- Kuwana1926: pp.22 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Aulacaspis] Key as: Aulacaspis sinnamomi
- MacGil1921: pp.317 ( ) [Key to species of Aulacaspis]
- MacGil1921: pp.317 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Aulacaspis] Key as: Aulacaspis mangiferae
- Systematics: GenBank accessions numbers: HM474090, HM474091, HM474092
This species lacks submarginal and submedian ducts on the second abdominal segment, which distinguishes it from its closest relative in the Philippines, Aulacaspis sumatrensis. A. tubercularis is characterized by having a pair of elongate scleroses on the beak as described by Balachowsky. These peribuccal scleroses have been found in all the specimens available for the present study, and are quite well developed in the examined type specimen of A. tubercularis (Takagi, 1970). Aulacaspis tubercularis together with other seven species (A. acuta, A. alisiana, A. alyxiae, A. lagunae, A. scaphocalycis, A. scurrulae and A. taipingensis) were put by Takagi (2010) to a provisional tubercularis species group. All of these species have variable characters and not all of them are clearly distinguishable among each other. Moreover, A. tubercularis has many forms more or less similar throughout Asia and there is a strong uncertainty whether the original species reported from Himalaya on plants of Lauraceae can be the same species that infests also mango (Mangifera indica) (Takagi, 2010). A. tubercularis appears to be separated into two cryptic species with interspecies divergenceof 11.5% and all analysis of ABGD, GMYC, and PTP supported this separation. (Qin, et al., 2018)
- Structure: Female scale circular, flat, thin and often wrinkled; opaque white. Exuviae near margin is translucent, dusky ochreous, with median ridge black, forming a distinct median line. Male scale small, sides nearly parallel; distinctly tricarinate (Kuwana, 1926). A detailed morphological description and illustration of eggs, nymph, adult male and female is given by Risbec (1937) and Takagi (1970).
- Biology: Eggs are laid under the hard shell of the female and remain there until the crawlers hatch (Wheatley, 1960). The life history of this species was studied intensively in South Africa (Labuschagne et al. 1995) in preparation for implementing an integrated pest management system. The white mango scale does not have discrete generations in South Africa primarily because the ovipositional period is about 45 days long (82 days for one particularly long-lived female). Since the duration of a generation (from egg to egg) was about 52 days under a regime of 26ºC day-time temperatures and 13ºC night-time temperatures, it is possible that the offspring of an adult female could begin laying eggs before the mother had finished oviposition. Thus, over a period of a year, the generations became completely overlapping and all life stages were present at all times of the year. Based on these observations, a generation takes about two months to complete; thus, it is feasible for there to be 5 or 6 generations each year, depending on temperature. Duration of the life stages was about 13 days for the crawler, 15 for the second instar, and 12 days before the adult female began laying eggs. Labuschagne et al. (1995) provided evidence that temperatures of above 30ºC caused high scale mortality and that populations tended to build up on the cooler sides of the mango tree. Halteren (1970) investigated the life history of this species on mango in Ghana and suggested that a generation required 35 to 40 days from egg laying to the adult female stage. If a 12-day preoviposition period is added, as suggested in Labuschagne et al. (1995), then generation times reported in South Africa and Ghana are fairly consistent. Male development was much quicker than in the female, taking 23 to 28 days (Halteren 1970). He did not observe the long oviposition period mentioned by Labuschagne et al. (1995), but indicated that adult females laid eggs for 8 to 12 days and deposited a total of 80 to 200 eggs. Eggs hatched in 7 or 8 days. (Miller & Davidson, 2005). Bautista-Rosales, et al., 2013 found that data suggested that in addition to temperature, rainfall influenced the abundance of white mango scale, and the sexes required relatively different environmental conditions; females were most abundant between 18 and 22°C and 73 and 78% relative humidity, while males were most abundant between 25 and 28°C and less than 70% relative humidity. White scale females were more abundant in organic than conventional mango orchards possibly because of the six monthly applications of fertilizer, suggesting that pests increased with excessive use of fertilizer, especially nitrogen and phosphorus.
- Economic Importance: Aulacaspis tubercularis can become extremely numerous on mango in South Africa (Munting, 1977). Miller & Davidson (1990) list this insect as a pest. This species is a serious pest of mangos in many parts of the world. In Ethiopia, A. tubercularis has emerged as the second most important mango pest after anthracnose disease. (Otieno, 2021) According to Labuschagne et al. (1995) damage is primarily cosmetic, causing blemishes in the fruit that make it unsightly, but does not detract from the flavor or texture. Halteren (1970) suggests that feeding causes significant damage to the leaves forming chlorotic areas around the body of the insect. Literature that discusses this species as a pest of mango is as follows: Brazil (Wolff and Corseuil 1993); Colombia (Kondo and Kawai 1995); Japan (Kinjo et al. 1996); Mauritius (Moutia and Mamet 1947); Mozambique (Almeida 1972); Pakistan (Mahmood and Mohyuddin 1986); Philippines (Webster 1920); Portugal (Fernandes 1989); Puerto Rico (Gallardo-Covas 1983); Rhodesia (Chorley 1939); South Africa (Labuschagne et al. 1995); Venezuela (Penella 1942). The parasitic wasp, Aphytis chionaspis Ren (given as Aphytis sp. in many papers), and the predaceous nitidulid beetle, Cybocephalus binotatus Grouvelle, have been used as biological control agents against this pest in IPM programs in mango orchards in South Africa (Labuschagne et al. 1996). (Miller & Davidson, 2005).
- General Remarks: Detailed description and illustration of adult male and female, larva and eggs by Risbec (1937). More recent description of adult female by Takagi (1970).
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, host, 32
- AhmadGh1972: biological control, distribution, host, 84
- Ali1968: distribution, host, taxonomy, 134
- Ali1969: distribution, host, taxonomy, 70, 72
- Almeid1969: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 154
- Almeid1971: description, distribution, 8-9
- Almeid1972: distribution, host, 3
- AlvareLiLu2020: phylogeny, 5
- AmunCl2015: distribution, host, 3
- AriasCRoHe2022: natural enemies, 90
- ArtegaLoAy2003: chemical control, distribution, 40-46
- BabegeHaHa2017: dispersal, distribution, economic importance, illustration, 26-32
- Balach1954e: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 242, 246-250
- Balach1957c: distribution, taxonomy, 202
- Ballou1945: distribution, host, 91
- BautisRaCa2013: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 221-230
- Berry1959: taxonomy, 213
- Borchs1966: catalog, 141
- Brown1965: physiology, 206
- Chazea1981: biological control, distribution, 12, 14
- Chen1983: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 35, 56-57, 144
- Chorle1939: distribution, 602
- Chou1982: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 128, 135-136
- Chou1986: illustration, 535
- Clavij1977: distribution, host, 115
- Cocher1969: distribution, 71, 73
- Cohic1956: distribution, host, 39
- Cohic1958: distribution, host, 16, 23
- ColonFMe1998: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 88-89
- Comper1936: biological control, distribution, 295
- CostaLPeWo2021: distribution, host, illustration,
- CulikMaVe2008: distribution, host, 1-6
- DanzigPe1998: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 201
- Davatc1958: distribution, host, 152
- DeLott1967a: distribution, host, 116
- DeVillDu1981: chemical control, host, illustration, 9-13
- DelPinBiWo2021: control, economic importance,
- DelPinVeBi2023: biological control, natural enemies,
- DiazNiPiMe2023: biology, diagnosis, economic control, host, illustration, life cycle, male, morphology, 7, 15-17
- DjiratGeRu2018: ecology,
- Dumble1954: distribution, host, 40, 88
- EFSA2021a: distribution, economic importance, host, 22, 34-35, 127-128
- EFSA2022c: dispersal, economic importance, 29-30, 43, 55, 83-93
- EFSA2022k: control, diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, taxonomy,
- ElkhatMoEl2021: entomopathogenic fungi, 4
- Ezzat1958: distribution, taxonomy, 244
- FDACS2010: distribution, host, 3
- Fennah1947: distribution, 65
- Ferris1921a: distribution, host, 212-213
- FitaGeWa2021: biological control, illustration, natural enemies,
- FitaGeWa2021: DNA, illustration, natural enemies, phylogeny,
- FitaGeWa2023: control,
- Fletch1919: distribution, host, 298
- Fonsec1963: description, distribution, host, illustration, 32-35
- Fonsec1964: description, distribution, host, 515
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, 8,23
- Fulmek1943: biological control, catalog, distribution, 18
- Gallar1983: distribution, economic importance, host, 179
- GermaiAtBa2008: distribution, host, 127-135
- GermaiMiPa2014: distribution, 23
- Ghabbo1999: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 87
- GhabboMo1996: description, distribution, host, 342
- GhaniMu1974: biological control, distribution, host, 49
- Giliom1966: catalog, distribution, host, 422
- Gonzal2016: diagnosis, distribution, illustration, 106-107
- Gordon1980: biological control, 151
- GreathPo1977: distribution, 268
- Green1919c: distribution, host, 433
- Green1922a: taxonomy, 1014
- Green1930c: taxonomy, 293
- GroveDe2017: distribution, economic importance, host, natural enemies, 299-300
- GroveDeDa2013: distribution, host, 377-384
- GroveScDe2014: biological control, economic importance, host, 413
- HabtegMeKi2020: chemical control,
- Hadden1928: distribution, 13
- Hall1922: description, distribution, host, 34
- Hall1923: distribution, taxonomy, 47
- Hall1926a: taxonomy, 37
- Hall1927d: distribution, host, taxonomy, 275-277
- Hall1928: distribution, host, 279
- Hall1946a: distribution, host, 505, 549, 552
- Halter1970: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, taxonomy, 83-85
- Hashem2021: diagnosis, host, illustration, key, 141-142
- HertinSi1972: biological control, distribution, 176
- HodgesHa2016: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration,
- HodgsoHi1990: distribution, host, 14
- Hosny1943: distribution, 121-122
- Hua2000: distribution, host, taxonomy, 148
- HuangPo1998: biological control, 1928
- Jack1935: distribution, 564
- Jack1936: distribution, host, 333
- Jack1937: distribution, host, 573
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 25,33
- JoshiMoMe2023: distribution, host, key, 241
- JouberGrDe2004: chemical control, 493-499
- JuarezVaVa2014: description, host, illustration, physiology, 100-107
- KolesiDe2014: biological control, 102
- Kondo2001: distribution, host, 43
- Kondo2010: distribution, host, 1
- KondoKa1995: distribution, host, 56
- KondoMu2009: economic importance, host, 18-22
- KondoMu2016: distribution, host, illustration, 4-5
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 14
- KozarWa1985: catalog, distribution, 82
- Kuwana1926: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 22, 30-32
- LagowsGoHo2022: distribution, list, 6
- LagowsGoHo2022: distribution, host, list, 9
- LeeLeSe2024: natural enemies, 7
- Lesche2000: biological control, 919
- Lindin1910: taxonomy, 325, 330
- Lindin1912b: taxonomy, 209
- Lindin1935: taxonomy, 130
- Lindin1957: taxonomy, 547
- Lindin1958: taxonomy, 366
- Lit1997b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 91-92
- LoVerdCeAl2020: control, diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, illustration,
- LongoMaPe1995: distribution, 125
- LongoMaPe1999a: distribution, 149
- MacGil1921: distribution, host, taxonomy, 317
- Malump2012b: distribution, host, 210,212
- Malump2014a: distribution, host, 74
- Mamet1943a: 157
- Mamet1948: distribution, 47
- Mamet1949: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 32-33
- Mamet1954: distribution, host, 16
- Mamet1956b: distribution, host, 305, 306
- Mamet1957: distribution, host, 370, 377
- Mamet1959a: distribution, host, 379
- MartinLa2011: catalog, distribution, host, 39
- MartinWoCu2022: distribution, host, 3
- Martor1976: distribution, host, 166
- Maxwel1903: taxonomy, 45
- MazzeoLoPe2014: distribution, 58
- Medler1980: distribution, host, 88
- Meurge2011: distribution, 80
- MilleHeCa2016: distribution, economic importance, host, 137
- Miller2005: distribution, 485
- MillerDa1990: economic importance, taxonomy, 301
- MillerDa2005: description, distribution, economic importance, host, 90
- Misra1924CS: distribution, host, 348
- Mohamm1963: distribution, host, taxonomy, 133
- MoharuBa2015: distribution, host, 99-101
- Mosque1973: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 58-59
- Mosque1976: biological control, description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 26-29, 85
- MoutiaMa1946: biological control, 460
- MoutiaMa1947: distribution, host, 9
- Muntin1977: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 4, 6-7
- Nakaha1983: distribution, host, 9
- NakahaMi1981: distribution, host, 33
- NeserPr2001: biological control, distribution, host, 199-201
- Newste1906a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 73-74
- Newste1908b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 34-35
- Newste1911: description, illustration, taxonomy, 86
- NiuCaWe2023: genebank, phylogeny, 304, 310
- NormarOkMo2019: distribution, host, phylogeny, taxonomy, 14, 74
- NotzP1974: biological control, distribution, 140
- Otieno2021: biology, control, distribution, ecology, illustration,
- Paik1978: taxonomy, 307
- PellizDa1997: distribution, host, 175
- PellizGe2010a: distribution, host, 499
- PellizPo2014: distribution, host, 6
- Penell1942: distribution, host, 13
- PerezG2008: distribution, 215
- PetersHaMo2020s2: DNA, disease transmission, host,
- Pierce1917: economic importance, taxonomy, 146
- PinoBiBo2020: biology, control, distribution, ecology, illustration,
- PinoVeBo2021: control, phenology,
- Porcel1992: distribution, host, taxonomy, 36
- PrakasPa2015: distribution,
- QinZhYu2018: DNA sequencing, ecology, natural enemies, taxonomy, 5-11
- Ramakr1919a: distribution, host, 13
- Ramakr1919b: distribution, host, 96
- Ramakr1921a: catalog, distribution, host, 354
- Ramakr1924: distribution, host, 341
- Ramakr1930: description, distribution, host, 14, 50
- RamosSaCo2018: distribution, host, natural enemies, 274
- RazaKhHa2023: biology, control, distribution, ecology, illustration, life cycle,
- RehmatAnKh2011: biological control, distribution, 276
- Risbec1937: biological control, description, distribution, illustration, 77-81, 178
- Sander1909a: catalog, taxonomy, 49
- Sankar1984: biological control, distribution, host, 2, 18
- SankarNaNa1984: biological control, distribution, host, 409
- Sassce1912: distribution, host, 90
- SayedDu2019: entomopathogenic fungi,
- Scott1952: taxonomy, 35, 41, 42, 60
- SilvadGoGa1968: catalog, distribution, 172
- Simmon1924: distribution, 54
- Simmon1925: distribution, host, 19
- Simmon1938: distribution, 21
- Stocks2013a: distribution, host, 243, 354
- Su1982: distribution, host, taxonomy, 62
- Suh2016: distribution, host, key, 316, 325
- SuhJi2009: distribution, illustration, taxonomy, 1039-1054
- Takagi1969a: distribution, taxonomy, 4, 24
- Takagi1970: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 83-85, 87
- Takagi2010: distribution, host, illustration, morphology, taxonomy, 62, 64
- TakagiDe2009: distribution, host, structure, 108-109
- Takaha1928: taxonomy, 327
- Takaha1929: distribution, host, taxonomy, 18, 19, 71
- Takaha1931b: distribution, host, 377
- Takaha1932a: host, 103
- Takaha1933: distribution, host, 27, 59
- Takaha1934: taxonomy, 4
- Takaha1935: taxonomy, 13
- Takaha1936: taxonomy, 81
- Takaha1942b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 38, 39
- TandonLa1977: description, distribution, host, 193
- Tang1977: taxonomy, 190
- Tang1986: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 221, 296
- Tao1978: distribution, host, taxonomy, 104
- Tao1999: distribution, host, 77
- ThuQuCh2021: dispersal, economic importance, host, illustration, 6,10-11,13
- TianXi2022: distribution, key, 174, 176
- TorresBuRo2024: distribution, host, 502
- TremblCa1972: physiology, 431
- UriasLGaHe2019: ecology, natural enemies,
- UriasLNaGo2016: economic control, 115-126
- Varshn2002: distribution, host, 57
- Varshn2002: distribution, host, 58
- VegaRoCo2023: control, ecology, host,
- VelasqRi1969: distribution, taxonomy, 196
- Verma2014: distribution, host, taxonomy, 51-57
- WaleMe2022: biology, ecology, natural enemies,
- WalkerWaEv1974: distribution, host, 11
- Wardle1929: taxonomy, 440
- Watson2001: list, 177
- Watson2002: taxonomy, 117
- Watson2002a: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy,
- Watson2021: distribution, 523
- WatsonKo2022a: biology, control, diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 449-453
- WeiJiZh2016: key, 20
- Wester1920: host, 64
- Wheatl1960: chemical control, distribution, host, 129-130
- Willia1961a: taxonomy, 92
- WilliaMi2010: distribution, host, structure, taxonomy, 46,48
- WilliaWi1988: distribution, host, taxonomy, 63
- WolffCo1993a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 151-161
- WongChCh1999: distribution, illustration, 20, 60
- WoodruBeSk1998: distribution, taxonomy, 107
- YamaguNoOm2000: distribution, host, 133
- Yang1982: taxonomy, 243, 244, 267, 268
- YunusHo1980: distribution, host, 33
- ZarkanApTu2021: distribution, host, 163