Valid Names Results
Atrococcus halli (McKenzie & Williams, 1965) (Pseudococcidae: Atrococcus)Nomenclatural History
- Trionymus indecisus Hall 1923: 12. Type data: EGYPT: Mansura and Giza, on Imperata cylindrica. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Erium indecisum (Hall, 1923); Lindinger 1935a: 122. change of combination
- Spilococcus indecisus (Hall, 1923); Ezzat 1960: 61. change of combination
- Pseudococcus erianthicola Hadzibejli 1960: 56. Type data: REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA: Pantishar Forest, on Erianthus purpurescens. Syntypes, female, Type depository: St. Petersburg: Zoological Museum, Academy of Science, Russia; Tbilisi: Plant Protection Institute, Republic of Georgia; junior synonym (discovered by Danzig1998, 126). Illustr.
- Chorizococcus indecisus (Hall, 1923); McKenzie & Williams 1965: 3. change of combination resulting in homonymy Notes: Homonym of Chorizococcus indecisus (Cockerell, 1901)
- Chorizococcus halli McKenzie & Williams 1965: 3. replacement name Replacement name for Chorizococcus indecisus (Hall)
- Chorizococcus viktorina Kozár 1983: 90. Type data: HUNGARY: Szarsomlyo Mts., on Chrysopogon gryllus. . Holotype, female, Type depository: Budapest: Hungarian Natural History Museum, Zoological Department, Hungary; junior synonym (discovered by Danzig1998, 126). Illustr.
- Spilococcus halli (McKenzie & Williams, 1965); Tang 1992: 269. change of combination
- Spilococcus viktorina (Kozár, 1983); Tang 1992: 273. change of combination
- Chorizococcus halli McKenzie & Williams, 1965; Ben-Dov 1994: 85. change of combination
- Chorizococcus victorina Kozár, 1983; Danzig 1998: 126. misspelling of species epithet
- Spilococcus halli (McKenzie & Williams, 1965); Danzig 1998: 126. revived combination (previously published)
- Atrococcus halli (McKenzie & Williams, 1965); Danzig & Gavrilov-Zimin 2015: 253. change of combination
Common Names
- Viktorin grass mealybug KosztaKo1988F
- imperata mealybug AbdRabEv2021
Ecological Associates
Families: 3 | Genera: 10
- Cyperaceae
- Eriophorum vaginatum | BenDov1994 Danzig1998 Kozar1985
- Poaceae
- Andropogon | BenDov1994 Danzig1998 Ezzat1962
- Chrysopogon gryllus | BenDov1994 Danzig1998 KosztaKo1988F Kozar1983
- Cynodon dactylon | BenDov1994 Danzig1998 Ezzat1962
- Imperata cylindrica | BenDov1994 Danzig1998 Ezzat1962 Hall1923
- Phragmites australis | BenDov1994 Danzig1998 | (= Phragmites communis)
- Piptatherum miliaceum | PellizPoSe2011
- Saccharum ravennae | MatileGe2004 | (= Erianthus purpurascens)
- Zea mays | BenDov1994 Danzig1998
- Simaroubaceae
- Ailanthus | BenDov1994 Danzig1998 Hadzib1960
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 8
- Bulgaria | Danzig1998 TrenchTo2014
- Crete | BenDov1994 KosztaKo1988F Kozar1985 PellizPoSe2011
- Egypt | BenDov1994 Danzig1998 Ezzat1962 Hall1923
- France | MatileGe2004
- Georgia (Republic of) | BenDov1994 Danzig1998 Hadzib1960
- Greece | Danzig1998
- Hungary | BenDov1994 Danzig1998 KosztaKo1988F Kozar1983 KozarKiSa2004
- Russia
- Caucasus | Danzig1998
- EvansAb2023: pp.8-13 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococccidae of Egypt]
- DanzigGa2015: pp.228-230 ( Adult (F) ) [Atrococcus species]
- Danzig1998: pp.120 ( Adult (F) ) [Palaearctic region] Key as: Spilococcus indecisus
- Tang1992: pp.261 ( Adult (F) ) [China] Key as: Spilococcus halli
- Kozar1984: pp.123 ( Adult (F) ) [Hungary] Key as: Chorizococcus victoriana
- Structure: Adult female antennae 8-segmented. Hind coxae and tibiae with small, poorly visivle translucent pores. Circulus large. Multilocular pores present on three last abdominal sternites only. (Danzig & Gavrilov-Zimin, 2015)
- Biology: Occurring just below ground level between the leaf sheaths and the parent stem, inside the leaf sheaths of the host plant.
- General Remarks: Good description and illustration of the adult female given by Hall (1923) (as Trionymus indecisus), Hadzibejli (1960), Kozár (1983), Kosztarab & Kozár (1988F) and by Danzig (1998). Good description of the adult female given by Ezzat (1962), Tang (1992).
- AbdRab2001d: biological control, distribution, 1356
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, host, 43
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 265
- BenDov1994: catalog, 85, 91, 390
- Danzig1998: description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 126, 129-130
- DanzigGa2015: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 253-255
- EvansAb2023: distribution, host, key, taxonomy, 6, 7, 14, 35
- Ezzat1962: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 61-64
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, list, 13
- Gavril2018: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, key, reproduction, taxonomy, 218, 229, 253-255
- Hadzib1960: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 56-57
- Hall1923: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 12, 13
- KosztaKo1988F: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 89
- Kozar1983: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 90-92
- Kozar1985: distribution, host, 204
- KozarKiSa2004: distribution, 56
- KozarSzFe2013: distribution, list of species, 81, 93, 108, 126, 144, 163, 186
- Lindin1935a: taxonomy, 122
- MatileGe2004: distribution, host, 191-192
- McKenzWi1965: taxonomy, 3
- MohammGh2008: distribution, 156
- PellizChMi2015: distribution, 64,69
- PellizPoSe2011: distribution, host, 293,296
- Tang1992: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 269, 273
- TrenchTo2014: distribution, 67
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 247