Valid Names Results
Asterodiaspis ilicicola (Targioni Tozzetti, 1888) (Asterolecaniidae: Asterodiaspis)Nomenclatural History
- Asterodiaspis quercicola; Signoret 1877: 606. misidentification (discovered by Russel1941, 109).
- Asterodiaspis quercicola; Signoret 1877a: ccix. misidentification (discovered by Russel1941, 109).
- Aonidia ilicicola Targioni Tozzetti 1888: 423. Type data: ITALY: on leaves of Quercus ilex.. Syntypes, unknown, by original designation accepted valid name Notes: Type material lost (G. Pellizzri, in letter to Yair Ben-Dov). Illustr.
- Asterolecanium ilicicola (Targioni Tozzetti, 1888); Targioni Tozzetti 1893: 285. change of combination
- Planchonia ilicis Newstead 1897a: 100. Type data: ALGERIA: Constantine, top of extreme corner of the spur of M'cid opposite the Kasba, on the scrub; collected 23.x.1895.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Russel1941, 107).
- Asterodiaspis ilicicola (Targioni Tozzetti, 1888); Borchsenius 1960d: 193, 194. change of combination
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 1 | Genera: 1
- Fagaceae
- Quercus | Martin1984MP
- Quercus coccifera | Russel1941
- Quercus ilex | Martin1984MP PellizCa1991a PellizFo1996 Russel1941 Targio1893
- Quercus rotundifolia | VillagMaSo1999
- Quercus suber | Russel1941
Families: 1 | Genera: 1
- Encyrtidae
- Metaphycus asterolecanii | GomezM1959 | (= Aphycus asterolecani)
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 11
- Algeria | Russel1941
- Corsica | Foldi2003 Russel1941
- Croatia | Masten2007
- France | Foldi2001 Russel1941
- Greece | StathaKaSk2013
- Italy | PellizCa1991a Russel1941 Targio1893
- Malta | Borg1932 MifsudMaRu2014
- Portugal | FrancoRuMa2011
- Sardinia | Melis1930 PellizFo1996
- Spain | GomezM1948 Martin1984MP Russel1941 VillagMaSo1999
- Turkey | KaydanUlEr2007
- Russel1941: pp.12-26 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of Asterolecanium]
- Russel1941: pp.26-35 ( Immature (F) ) [Species of Asterolecanium]
- Systematics: "Asterolecanium ilicis, described by Newstead in 1897 (p.100) as Planchonia ilicis on "scurb" from Constantine, Algeria, was listed as a synonym of variolosum by Lindinger in 1912 (280, 360), but has been accepted as a valid species by some authors, including Balachowsky (1932d, p. xxiv). Newstead stated that ilicis was closely related to ilicicola, but that the two could be differentiated by the absence of a marginal fringe from the tests of the former and the presence of such a fringe on those of the latter. This is not satisfactory for separating the two forms. Newstead did not compare the morphological characters of these species, and type material of ilicis has been available to the writer. Specimens on Quercus from Constantine, Algeria, have been studied, however, and have been found specifically identical with specimens of ilicicola from Europe. Since there is no information in the original description to warrant the retention of ilicis as a valid species, and since specimens from its type host and locality belong to ilicicola, ilicis is here [Russell, 1941] synonymized with ilicicola." (Russell, 1941: 107-108).
- Biology: Colonies of these scales settle on the upper surface of leaves of Q. ilex.
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Russell (1941). Test of female, male and nymphs described and illustrated by Russell (1941).
- Balach1932d: taxonomy, 21,22,29,65,160
- BarbagBiBo1995: distribution, 46
- BerlesLe1897: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, No.47
- Bodenh1953a: host, taxonomy, 135
- Cocker1893h: distribution, host, taxonomy, 78
- Fernal1903b: 51
- Foldi2000: distribution, host, 80
- Foldi2001: distribution, 303-308
- Foldi2003: distribution, host, 150
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, 8
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, 2,3,22
- GomezM1937: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 233-234
- GomezM1948: distribution, host, 78
- GomezM1957: distribution, host, 63
- GomezM1959: description, host, taxonomy, 181-183
- GranarGoSt2023: taxonomy, 8
- KaydanUlEr2007: catalog, distribution, host, 91
- KozarDr1998a: 16
- Leonar1920: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 240, 256
- Lindin1912b: taxonomy, 360
- Martin1984MP: distribution, host, taxonomy, 63
- Masten2007: distribution, host, taxonomy, 1-242
- MastenSeSi2016: Cardinium, distribution, history, host, 231-235
- Melis1930: distribution, host, 17
- MifsudMaRu2014: distribution, host, 502
- Newste1897a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 100
- Pelliz2011: distribution, 311
- PellizCa1991a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 198
- PellizChMi2015: distribution, 59,70
- PellizFo1996: distribution, host, 133
- Russel1941: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 107-108,266
- SoriaViMa1998: ecology, life history, 307-312
- StathaKaSk2013: distribution, host, 55-57
- SzitaFeBe2017: distribution, host, 468
- TangHa1995: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 296
- Targio1888: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 423
- Targio1893: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 285-295
- UlgentDo2019: distribution, host, 485
- UlgentErYa2022: distribution, host, S115
- UlgentKaKo2013: description, distribution, host, illustration, 16
- VillagMaSo1999: distribution, ecology, host, life history, 49-61
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 204