Valid Names Results
Asterodiaspis Signoret, 1877 (
Nomenclatural History
- Asterodiaspis
1877: ccix.
Type species: Aonidia ilicicola Targioni Tozzetti
by subsequent designation
accepted valid name
Notes: Signoret (1877a) designated the nominal species Asterolecanium quercicola (Bouche, 1851) as the type species. However, Russell (1941, p. 109) studied the specimens (from Quercus ilex, Nice, France), that have been identified as A. quercicola by Signoret (1877a), and concluded that the latter record was a misidentification of A. ilicicola (Targioni Tozzetti).
- Systematics: Signoret (1877a) designated the nominal species Asterolecanium quercicola (Bouche, 1851) as the type species. However, Russell (1941, p. 109) studied the specimens (from Quercus ilex, Nice, France), that have been identified as A. quercicola by Signoret (1877a), and concluded that the latter record was a misidentification of A. ilicicola (Targioni Tozzetti).
- Structure: Slide-mounted, body with relatively large 8-shaped pores distributed in a single marginal row, terminating at about one pore’s length anterior to base of each apical seta; 8-shaped pores absent from venter. Anal opening ventral, with margin sclerotized, normally bearing 2 setae; sclerotized anal bar or plate absent. Submedian dorsal tubes absent from near apex of abdomen (Moghaddam & Watson 2024).
- General Remarks: Definition and characters by Signoret (1877), Russell (1941), Borchsenius (1960d), Hadzibejli (1983), Liu & Shi (1989, 1990, 1993), Tang & Hao (1995), Kosztarab (1996), Danzig (1998) and by Stumpf & Lambdin (2006). Illustration by Moghaddam & Watson (2024).
- MoghadWa2024: pp.21
Adult (F)
[Genera of Asterolecaniidae in Iran]
- GranarGoSt2023: pp.2
Adult (F)
[Genera of Asterolecaniidae in Argentina]
- GiliomKo2008: pp.277
Adult (F)
[Asterodiaspis species of South Africa]
- StumpfLa2006: pp.20-22
Adult (F)
[Asterolecaniidae genera of North and South America]
- Koszta1996: pp.289
Adult (F)
[Northeastern North America]
- TangHa1995: pp.290-291
Adult (F)
- Danzig1988: pp.710
Adult (F)
[Far East of the USSR]
- Borchs1960d: pp.177-178
Adult (F)
[Palaearctic region]
Associated References
- Ali1970a:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 133
- Ashmea1891:
taxonomy, pp. 100
- Bodenh1951:
taxonomy, pp. 328
- Borchs1950a:
taxonomy, pp. 781
- Borchs1960d:
description, taxonomy, pp. 174-177
- Comsto1881a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 329, 330
- Danzig1998:
key, taxonomy, pp. 710
- Giliom2001:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 85-86
- GiliomKo2008:
taxonomy, pp. 277,285
- GullanMiCo2005:
structure, taxonomy, pp. 163,173-178
- Hadzib1983:
description, taxonomy, pp. 90-91
- Koszta1996:
description, key, taxonomy, pp. 287-289
- Koteja1974b:
taxonomy, pp. 83
- KozarDr1998a:
catalog, pp. 15
- Lindin1937:
taxonomy, pp. 180
- LiuSh1989:
description, taxonomy, pp. 39, 44-45
- LiuSh1990:
description, taxonomy, pp. 85-86
- LiuSh1993:
description, taxonomy, pp. 181-182, 187-188
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 19
- Paik1978:
taxonomy, pp. 413
- PellizCa1991a:
host, taxonomy, pp. 196-197
- Russel1941:
taxonomy, pp. 4,109
- Signor1877:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 606
- Signor1877a:
taxonomy, pp. ccix
- StumpfLa2006:
description, taxonomy, pp. 33,1-231
- TangHa1995:
description, key, taxonomy, pp. 289-291
- Tao1999:
taxonomy, pp. 38
- WangZh1987:
taxonomy, pp. 36
26 Species