Valid Names Results
Apiomorpha pharetrata (Schrader, 1863) (Eriococcidae: Apiomorpha)Nomenclatural History
- Brachyscelis pharetrata Schrader 1863: 3. Type data: AUSTRALIA: New South Wales, in neighborhood of Sydney on Eucalyptus sp. Unknown type status, unknown, accepted valid name Notes: According to Weidner (1974), the types were destroyed during the war in Hamburg in 1943. Illustr.
- Brachyscelis pharatrata Schrader, 1863; Fuller 1896: 699. misspelling of species epithet
- Apiomorpha pharetrata (Schrader, 1863); Cockerell 1896b: 328. change of combination
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 1 | Genera: 2
- Myrtaceae
- Corymbia gummifera | Frogga1931 Gullan1984 | (= Eucalyptus corymbosa),(= Eucalyptus gummifera)
- Eucalyptus amygdalina | GiraldWiDo2024
- Eucalyptus baxteri | Gullan1984
- Eucalyptus capitellata | Gullan1984
- Eucalyptus cosmophylla | Brown1967
- Eucalyptus globoidea | Gullan1984
- Eucalyptus imitans | CookGu2008
- Eucalyptus ligustrina | LeBretVa1993
- Eucalyptus macrorhyncha | Gullan1984
- Eucalyptus oblonga | LeBretVa1993
- Eucalyptus pauciflora | Gullan1984
- Eucalyptus pilularis | Gullan1984
- Eucalyptus piperita | GiraldWiDo2024
- Eucalyptus rubida | Gullan1984
- Eucalyptus sieberi | Gullan1984 | (= Eucalyptus sieberana)
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 1
- Australia
- Australian Capital Territory | Cook2000
- New South Wales | Gullan1984 LeBretVa1993
- South Australia | Gullan1984
- Victoria | Gullan1984
- Hodgso2020: pp.53 ( Adult (M) ) [Apiomorpha species]
- Gullan1984: pp.10 ( Adult (F) ) [Adult females and female galls of Apiomorpha]
- Systematics: Slide-mounted adult female is characterized by having: abdominal segment IX with ventral and dorsal lengths subequal, not fused with abdominal segment VIII; abdominal segment IX with posterior margin truncate ventrally; venter of head without spine-like setae; multilocular pores present on dorsum in anterolateral margins of most segments (Gullan, 1984). In 1984, A. thorntoni was synonomyzed with A. pharetrata based on the appearance of the adult females. However, they were treated as form I (A. pharetrata, and form II A. thorntoni by Cook and Gullen (2000, 2002) based on the differences in their galls. They were removed from synonymy and recognised as distict biological species, distinguished by differences in chromosomes. (Cook & Gullen, 2008) The adult male of this species is very similar to that of A. spinifer. Possible differences are: (i) the number of tegular setae: 6–11 on A. pharetrata but only 2–5 on A. spinifer; (ii) the length of the penial sheath: 250–270 μm long on A. spinifer and 215–230 μm long on A. pharetrata, and (iii) the shape of the anal opening – possibly much larger and wider in A. pharetrata. (Hodgson, 2020
- Structure: Female galls produced upon the leaves often springing from the midrib and aborting the foliage. The gall is oval, with the apex truncate. The male galls consist of a mass of coalesced tubes turned down and enfolded in a smooth rounded mass of tissue which spring out of the side of the female gall and is concave on the gall-tube side. (Froggatt, 1931)
- Biology: Female gall occurs on leaf blades, petioles, stems, or buds. Male galls are attached to the female gall (Gullan, 1984). Galls are typically green and relatively smooth or slightly papillose. (Cook & Gullan, 2008) Cook & Gullan (2002) provide information on gall and insect development under glasshouse conditions (summarized in table 2, page 262).
- General Remarks: Gullan (1984) provided detailed descriptions and illustration of the adult female and provided comprehensive data on the male and female galls. Detailed description and illustration of male in Hodgson, 2020.
- Beards1984: distribution, host, illustration, 89
- Brown1967: distribution, host, taxonomy, 130
- Cocker1896b: taxonomy, 378
- Cocker1899m: taxonomy, 393
- Cook2000: distribution, physiology, 256, 258, 259, 260, 262
- CookGu2002: life history, 261
- CookGu2008: description, distribution, host, structure, taxonomy, 251-257
- CookGuSt2000: taxonomy, 880, 884, 885, 889
- Fernal1903b: taxonomy, 43
- Ferris1957b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 61
- Frogga1893: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 370
- Frogga1894c: taxonomy, 111
- Frogga1921a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 136
- Frogga1930: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 472
- Frogga1931: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 432,440-441
- Fuller1896: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 215
- Fuller1896a: biological control, 699
- Gallar1930: distribution, host, 40
- GiraldWiDo2024: behavior, distribution, host, Dataset S4
- Gullan1978: taxonomy, 59
- Gullan1979: distribution, host, taxonomy, 4-5
- Gullan1983: structure, 26, 28
- Gullan1984: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 79
- Hodgso2020: description of male, illustration, key, taxonomy, 53, 58-61
- Houard1923: description, illustration, taxonomy, 617, 632
- Hoy1963: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 41
- Kozar2009: distribution, taxonomy, 95
- Lidget1899: distribution, host, taxonomy, 61
- MillerGi2000: catalog, description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 51-52
- MillsCo2010: physiology, 86
- MillsCo2014: life history, taxonomy, 127, 128
- Pierce1917: distribution, economic importance, host, 99
- Schrad1863: taxonomy, 3
- Schrad1863b: taxonomy, 190
- Signor1868: distribution, taxonomy, 525
- Signor1877: catalog, description, distribution, taxonomy, 595
- Tepper1893: distribution, host, 272
- Theron1968: illustration, structure, 88, 89
- Weidne1974: taxonomy, 461