Valid Names Results
Anophococcus parvispinus (Eriococcidae: Anophococcus)Nomenclatural History
- Eriococcus parvispinus Goux 1948: 5-6. Type data: FRANCE: Camargue, Rièges, on Artemisia gallica, 26/06/1946, by L. Goux. Holotype, female, Type depository: Paris: Museum National d'Histoire naturelle, France; junior homonym (discovered by Lindin1957, 550). Replacement name for Eriococcus parvispinus Chaffin 1923 Notes: Through the courtesy of Matile-Ferrero (personal communication, November 20, 1996) we have seen a xerox copy of the slide labels on the two slides containing two specimens in the MNHN. Illustr.
- Anophococcus parvispinus (Goux, 1948); Balachowsky 1954a: 61, 64. Type depository: Budapest: Plant Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary; change of combination
- Nidularia parviseta Lindinger 1957: 550. change of combination and replacement name Replacement name for Eriococcus parvispinus Goux 1948
- Eriococcus parvisetus Goux, 1948; Hoy 1963: 107. change of combination
- Greenisca parvispinus (Goux, 1948); Kozár & Walter 1985: 75. change of combination
- Acanthococcus parvisetus (Goux, 1948); Miller & Gimpel 1996: 603. change of combination
- Anophococcus parvispinus (Goux, 1948); Kozár 2009: 94. revived combination (previously published)
- Greenisca parviseta (Lindinger, 1957); Pellizzari & Williams 2013: 410. change of combination requiring emendation of specific epithet for agreement in gender
- Anophococcus parvispinus (Goux, 1948); Kozár, Kaydan, Konczné Benedicty & Szita 2013: 239. revived combination (previously published)
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 1 | Genera: 1
Geographic Distribution
- KozarKaKo2013: pp.182-183 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Anophococcus]
- Systematics: Eriococcus parvispinus Goux 1948 is preoccupied by Eriococcus parvispinus Chaffin 1923. Lindinger (1957) proposed Nidularia parvisetus as a replacement name.
- Structure: Adult female at time of sac formation is reddish orange and varies throughout the life cycle (Goux, 1948).
- General Remarks: Detailed description and illustrations of all stages by Goux (1948). Redescription and illustrations of adult female in Kozár, et al., 2013.
- Balach1954a: taxonomy, 61, 64
- Foldi2001: distribution, 305
- Foldi2002: distribution, 245
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, 10
- Goux1948: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 5-16
- Goux1948a: taxonomy, 67, 69
- Goux1989a: structure, 21
- Hoy1963: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 107
- KotejaZa1981: taxonomy, 512
- Kozar2009: distribution, taxonomy, 94
- KozarKaKo2013: description, distribution, host, illustration, structure, taxonomy, 182, 239-242
- KozarWa1985: catalog, distribution, 75
- Lindin1957: taxonomy, 550
- MillerGi1996: taxonomy, 603
- MillerGi2000: catalog, description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 296-297
- OuvrarKo2009: host, phylogeny, structure, taxonomy, 102-118