Valid Names Results
Adocimycolus aarondavisii Poinar & Vega, 2023 (Adocimycolidae: Adocimycolus)Nomenclatural History
- Adocimycolus aarondavisii Poinar & Vega 2023: 128. Type data: MYANMAR: state of Kachin, Noije bum 2001 Summit Site amber mine in the Hukawng Valley/ SW of Maingkhwan. Holotype, male, by monotypy and original designation Type depository: Corvallis: Poinar amber collection, Oregon State University, Oregon, USA; accepted valid name Illustr.
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 1
- Burma (=Myanmar) | PoinarVe2023
- Systematics: The extended hamulohalteres separate Adocimycolus aarondavisii gen. et sp. nov. from all previously described fossil and extant male coccids. Due to its unique combination of characters, Adocimycolus could not be assigned to a current or extinct family. However, on the basis of its body shape and clusters of elongate setae on nodular antennae, Adocimycolus resembles the Lebanese amber coccid, Hodgsonicoccus patefactus. (Poinar & Vega, 2023).
- Structure: Holotype male: Small; body length, 1.9 mm; head with extension of dorsal midcranial ridge almost reaching apical edge of ocellus; head with dorsal median crest; antennae 2.1 mm, longer than body, with 8 nodulated flagellomeres; fleshy, capitate and satellite setae absent; no lateral extensions on segments; all antennomeres longer than wide; flagellomeres multi-nodose, bearing erect black bristles much longer than width of flagellomeres; length scape, 83 µm; width scape, 140 µm; length pedicel, 109 µm; width pedicel, 77 µm; length of flagellomeres: 1, 170 µm; 2, 290 µm; 3, 326 µm; 4, 307 µm; 5, 294 µm; 6, 294 µm; 7, 332 µm; 8, 307 µm; compound eyes large, round, ventral-lateral in position, only slightly protruding from head dorsally, 58 µm in diameter, with numerous ommatidia; ocellus large, flat, dorsally positioned on head apex; three cylindrical dorsal simple eyes on posterior head portion. (Poinar & Vega, 2023)
- General Remarks: Description, illustration, and detailed microscopy photos by Poinar & Vega (2023). Due to the small size and dark body of the fossil, it was not possible to determine certain fine morphological details, such as the presence or absence of thoracic and abdominal spiracles.
- PoinarVe2023: description, description of male, diagnosis, distribution, fossil, illustration, male, morphology, taxonomy, 128