Valid Names Results
Adocimycolus Poinar & Vega, 2023 (
Nomenclatural History
- Adocimycolus
Poinar & Vega
2023: 127.
Type species: Adocimycolus aarondavisii Poinar & Vega
by monotypy and original designation
accepted valid name
- Systematics: Based on the male holotype. Female characters unknown. Adocimycolidae fam. nov. differs from males of other coccoidid families by its enlarged hamulohalteres. (Poinar & Vega, 2023)
- Structure: In addition, the following combination of characters distinguishes Adocimycolidae fam. nov. from other coccoidid families: head prolonged, with three cylindrical dorsal simple eyes; single ocellus dorsally placed at apex of prolonged head; compound eyes with numerous ommatidia in ventro-lateral position at head tip, only slightly visible from above; ten-segmented antennae longer than body, with antennomeres longer than wide, flagellomeres multi-nodose, bearing erect black bristles much longer than width of flagellomeres, which lack satellite setae; legs elongate, foreleg with expanded trochanter; tarsi setose, ridged, one-segmented, bearing claws with digitules shorter than claw length; single tarsal digitule arising from outer distal tarsal margin. (Poinar & Vega, 2023)
- General Remarks: See Poinar & Vega (2023) for further description of family and type species; includes illustrations and detailed microscope images of holotype in amber.
1 Species