Valid Names Results
Acutaspis paulista (Hempel, 1900) (Diaspididae: Acutaspis)Nomenclatural History
- Aspidiotus (Chrysomphalus) paulistus Hempel 1900a: 504. Type data: BRAZIL: Sao Paulo, Ypiranga, on leaves of Laurus sp.. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Sao Paulo: Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Chrysomphalus paulistus (Hempel, 1900); Fernald 1903b: 292. change of combination
- Pseudischnaspis paulista (Hempel, 1900); Lindinger 1937: 194. change of combination requiring emendation of specific epithet for agreement in gender
- Melanaspis paulistus (Hempel, 1900); McKenzie 1939: 54. change of combination
- Melanaspis palustris (Hempel, 1900); Trjapitzin 1989: 312. misspelling of species epithet
- Acutaspis paulista (Hempel, 1900); Claps 2000: 91. change of combination
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 27 | Genera: 39
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera | ClapsWoGo2001
- Mangifera indica | Lepage1938 WolffCo1993a CastroMoWo2024
- Spondias | ClapsWoGo2001
- Spondias mombin | CastroMoWo2024
- Annonaceae
- Annona | ClapsWoGo2001
- Annona muricata | ClapsWoGo2001
- Apocynaceae
- Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco | Claps2000 ClapsWoGo2001
- Nerium | ClapsWoGo2001
- Aquifoliaceae
- Ilex | ClapsWoGo2001
- Araliaceae
- Hedera | Claps2000 ClapsWoGo2001
- Arecaceae
- Cocos | CastroMoWo2024
- Dictyosperma album | CastroMoWo2024
- Begoniaceae
- Begonia | ClapsWoGo2001
- Buxaceae
- Buxus sempervirens | Claps2000
- Celastraceae
- Euonymus | Claps2000
- Maytenus | Claps2000
- Maytenus boaria | Claps2000 | (= Maytenus chilensis)
- Maytenus viscifolia | Claps2000 ClapsWoGo2001
- Chrysobalanaceae
- Licania | ClapsWoGo2001 | (= Moquilea)
- Licania tomentosa | Lepage1938 | (= Moquilea tomentosa)
- Cycadaceae
- Cycas | CastroMoWo2024
- Ericaceae
- Rhododendron arboreum | CastroMoWo2024
- Lauraceae
- Laurus | Claps2000 ClapsWoGo2001 Hempel1900a Lepage1938
- Laurus nobilis | Claps2000 Lizery1916c
- Persea americana | AmunCl2015
- Moraceae
- Artocarpus heterophyllus | CastroMoWo2024
- Ficus | ClapsWoGo2001 Lepage1938
- Ficus retusa | CastroMoWo2024
- Musaceae
- Musa | ClapsWoGo2001
- Myrtaceae
- Eucalyptus microcorys | Claps2000
- Eugenia | CastroMoWo2024
- Psidium | ClapsWoGo2001 Lepage1938
- Psidium cattleyanum | CastroMoWo2024
- Oleaceae
- Jasminum | CastroMoWo2024
- Ligustrum | Claps2000 ClapsWoGo2001
- Ligustrum japonicum | CastroMoWo2024
- Olea | ClapsWoGo2001
- Olea europaea | Claps2000 Lizery1916c
- Orchidaceae
- Cattleya | CastroMoWo2024
- Laelia | CastroMoWo2024
- Pittosporaceae
- Pittosporum | Claps2000
- Primulaceae
- Myrsine | ClapsWoGo2001
- Myrsine umbellata | CastroMoWo2024
- Rosaceae
- Malus | CastroMoWo2024
- Rosa | ClapsWoGo2001
- Rutaceae
- Citrus | Claps2000 ClapsWoGo2001
- Salicaceae
- Populus | Claps2000
- Santalaceae
- Phoradendron | ClapsWoGo2001
- Simaroubaceae
- Castela | Claps2000
- Solanaceae
- Brunfelsia australis | Claps2000 ClapsWoGo2001
- Theaceae
- Camellia | ClapsWoGo2001
- Camellia japonica | Lepage1938
Families: 3 | Genera: 4
- Aphelinidae
- Encarsia ectophaga | Fidalg1983 | (= Prospaltella ectophaga)
- Paraphytis costalimai | Fidalg1983
- Encyrtidae
- Zaomma lambinus | Trjapi1989
- Signiphoridae
- Signiphora fax | Woolle1990
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 2
- Argentina
- Buenos Aires | ClapsWoGo2001
- Catamarca | ClapsWoGo2001
- Chaco | GranarCl2003 Lizery1916c
- Cordoba | GranarCl2003
- Entre Rios | GranarCl2003
- La Rioja | ClapsWoGo2001
- Mendoza | GranarCl2003
- Misiones | GranarCl2003
- Tucuman | AmunCl2015 ClapsWoGo2001
- Brazil | WolffCo1993a
- Distrito Federal (=Brasilia) | ClapsWoGo2001 Lepage1938
- Minas Gerais | ClapsWoGo2001 Lepage1938
- Parana | CastroMoWo2024
- Pernambuco | CastroMoWo2024
- Rio Grande do Sul | BertelBa1966 ClapsWoGo2001 Lepage1938
- Rio de Janeiro | ClapsWoGo2001 Lepage1938
- Sao Paulo | ClapsWoGo2001 Hempel1900a Lepage1938
- SchneiClWe2020: pp.67-71 ( Adult (F) ) [Aspidiotini in Argentina]
- WolffEfDa2018: pp.5-7 ( Adult (F) ) [Secies recorded on Olea europaea in Brazil]
- Structure: Scale of female subcircular, flattish, opaque, dull brown, above blackish beneath; the blackish exuviae usually disposed eccentrically; diameter 2 to 2.5 mm. (Green, 1930b). Colour photograph by Claps & Wolff (2003).
- Economic Importance: This polyphagous species (see Host Plant), is considered a pest of olive in South America (Chiesa Molinari, 1948; Schmutterer et al., 1957).
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Green (1930b), Claps (2000) and by Zamudio & Claps (2005).
- AlmeidPeMa2018: distribution, host, 355
- AmunCl2015: distribution, host, 3
- Argyri1990: distribution, economic importance, host, 579-583
- BenDovGe2003: catalog, 44-46
- Bertel1956: biological control, description, distribution, host, life history,
- BertelBa1966: distribution, host, 17-46
- BiezanFr1939: distribution, host, 1-18
- BiezanSe1940: distribution, host, 67-68
- Borchs1966: catalog, 351
- Bustsh1958: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 219,234
- CastroMoWo2024: distribution, host, 2
- Chiesa1938a: description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 1-21
- Chiesa1948: distribution, economic importance, host,
- Chiesa1948a: distribution, economic importance, host,
- Claps1993: taxonomy, 5
- Claps2000: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 91-92,94
- ClapsDo2003: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 16
- ClapsWoGo2001: distribution, host, 247
- CostaL1949: biological control, distribution, host, 65-87
- DeSant1941a: biological control, distribution, host, 21-24
- EfromRoWo2019: distribution, host, 126
- Fernal1903b: 292
- Ferris1941e: taxonomy, 46
- Fidalg1983: biological control, distribution, host, 119-125
- Fonsec1963: distribution, host, 32-35
- Fonsec1964: distribution, host, 515
- GranarCl2003: distribution, host, 625-637
- Green1930b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 217-219
- Haywar1939: control, distribution, host, 1
- Haywar1944: distribution, host, 1-32
- Hempel1900a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 504-505
- Hempel1901a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 107
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 13
- Lepage1938: catalog, 399-400
- Lindin1937: taxonomy, 194
- Lizery1916c: distribution, host, 432-433
- Lizery1942: distribution, host, 80
- MacGil1921: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 416,420
- McKenz1939: taxonomy, 54
- MillerDa1990: distribution, economic importance, host, 303
- Monte1943: distribution, host, 134
- Newste1920: taxonomy, 197
- SchmutKlLu1957: distribution, economic importance, host, 492
- SchneiClWe2020: key, 68
- SchneiFiNo2019: key, taxonomy, 92
- Trjapi1989: biological control, 312
- Vernal1957: taxonomy, 20
- Watson2001: list, 177
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 229
- Wolff2014: distribution, host, 2
- WolffCo1993a: distribution, host, 153
- WolffEfDa2018: distribution, host, 2-3
- WolffEfDa2018: distribution, economic importance, host, key,
- Woolle1990: biological control, 167-176
- ZamudiCl2005: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 258-259