Valid Names Results
Acanthococcus tricarinatus (Fuller, 1897) (Eriococcidae: Acanthococcus)Nomenclatural History
- Eriococcus simplex dealbata; Maskell 1897: 317-318. incorrect synonymy (discovered by GullanVr1991, 38).
- Eriococcus tricarinatus Fuller 1897b: 1345. Type data: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia, on Eucalyptus gomphocephala, by C. Fuller. Unknown type status, unknown, accepted valid name Notes: There is one slide in the BMNH labeled "Eriococcus tricarinatus Fuller, W. Australia, ex. coll. C. French," but this may not be part of the type series (Gullan, personal communication, June 10, 1996).
- Nidularia tricarinatus (Fuller, 1897); Lindinger 1933a: 117. change of combination
- Acanthococcus tricarinatus (Fuller, 1897); Miller & Gimpel 1996: 604. change of combination
Common Names
Ecological Associates
Families: 1 | Genera: 1
- Myrtaceae
- Eucalyptus gomphocephala | Fuller1897b
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 1
- Australia
- Western Australia | Fuller1897b
- Systematics: Maskell (1897) in his original description of Eriococcus simplex var. dealbata indicated that it was very similar to Eriococcus simplex simplex and differed only in the color of the ovisac. In 1897, Fuller gave a very brief description of Eriococcus tricarinatus. Maskell's paper was published in June 1897 and Fuller's paper was printed August 1897. Fuller (1899) gave a more detailed description of E. tricarinatus under a centered heading "13. Eriococcus simplex, var. dealbatus Maskell." He started the description after the heading as follows "Eriococcus tricarinatus, sp. n. (Plate XV, figs. 6, 6a.)" The species name used for figures 6 and 6a is Eriococcus tricarinatus. It is unclear what Fuller really intended. Did he consider E. tricarinatus to be a junior synonym of E. simplex dealbatus or the reverse? Why did he indicate E. tricarinatus to be a new species when it was previously described? Several authors including Hoy (1963) and Deitz & Tocker (1980) listed them as synonyms with E. tricarinatus as the senior synonym. Others, including Cockerell (1899a), Sanders (1906) and Froggatt (1921a) considered them to be separate. Gullan & Vranjic (1991) questioned the synonomy. If E. tricarinatus and E. simplex dealbatus are synonyms, the senior synonym should be E. simplex dealbatus Maskell (June 1897) and the junior synonym should be E. tricarinatus Fuller (August 1897). There also maybe some question as to whether E. simplex dealbatus is a synonym of E. simplex simplex since the only difference mentioned by Maskell in the original description is the color of the ovisac which is prone to variation based on environmental conditions. Therefore, we are considering all three taxa: E. simplex simplex (now Acanthococcus simplex simplex), E. simplex dealbatus and E. tricarinatus (now Acanthococcus tricarinatus) to be separate until further study can be conducted.
- Structure: Female sac is elongate-oval, convex. Adult female filling sac, purple or brown in color (Fuller, 1899).
- General Remarks: Detailed description by Fuller (1899). Comments on the status of this species by Gullan & Vranjic (1991).
- Cocker1899a: taxonomy, 391
- DeitzTo1980: distribution, taxonomy, 46
- Frogga1921a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 90
- Fuller1897b: distribution, host, taxonomy, 1345
- Fuller1899: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 442
- GiraldWiDo2024: behavior, distribution, host, Dataset S4
- Green1929: taxonomy, 376
- GullanVr1991: distribution, host, taxonomy, 38
- Hoy1963: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 121
- Kozar2009: distribution, taxonomy, 101
- Lindin1933a: taxonomy, 117
- MillerGi1996: taxonomy, 604
- MillerGi2000: catalog, description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 366-367
- Sander1906: catalog, taxonomy, 4
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 238