Valid Names Results
Acanthococcus Signoret, 1875 (
Nomenclatural History
- Acanthococcus
1875b: 16.
Type species: Acanthococcus aceris Signoret
by monotypy
accepted valid name
- Atriplicia
Cockerell & Rohwer
1909: 169.
Type species: Atriplicia gallicola Cockerell & Rohwer
by original designation
junior synonym
(discovered by MillerSt2022: 23)
- Systematics: As of 2010, it is considered that all species from the neotropics placed in the genus Eriococcus are more appropriately placed in Acanthococcus. (Hodgson & Miller, 2010) In North America, adult females of the species in Acanthococcus are most similar to adult females of species of Ovaticoccus but differ as follows (character states of Acanthococcus are in brackets): anal ring normally with three or fewer pairs of setae (with four pairs of setae); anal lobes not protruding or protruding slightly, inconspicuous
(protruding strongly, conspicuous); without frontal lobes (with or without frontal lobes); translucent pores usually on hind coxa only (on hind femur and coxa). Species of Acanthococcus also are similar to the Australasian and Neotropical genus Madarococcus Hoy 1962 but differ as follows (character states of Acanthococcus in brackets): suranal seta expanded (suranal seta flagellate); anal lobes large and almost plate like, heavily sclerotized (anal lobes not plate like, usually slightly sclerotized). In Kozár, et al., 2013, Acanthococcus was placed in the family, Acanthococcidae Signoret, 1875, but is here kept in Eriococcidae because placement of species.outside of the palaearctic are unclear.
- Structure: Surface covered in wax. Differentiated by the presence of enlarged macrospines on the dorsum, by absence of heavily sclerotized, discoidal pores (mostly five-locular), or pore groups and cruciform pores on dorsum, anal lobes sometimes strongly nodulose (serrate) with sclerotized teeth on inner margin. Labium with well developed segments and a weakly developed basal segment with two pairs of setae. (Kozár & Konczné Benedicty, 2008)
Generic diagnosis (amended in González, et al., 2017). Adult female. Dorsum: Setae often enlarged conical or spinose. Enlarged tubular ducts absent. Macrotubular ducts present throughout. Microtubular ducts present. Median plate present or absent. Margin: often demarcated by a line of enlarged setae. Venter: often with enlarged setae near margin but with hairlike setae present elsewhere. Macrotubular ducts present, frequently of more than 1 type. Microducts present. Disc pores most usually quinquelocular, but number of loculi varying from 3 to 9. Frontal lobules often present. Antenna with 6 or 7 segments. Labium 3 segmented, basal segment with 1 or 2 pairs of setae. Legs well developed,
hind leg usually with translucent pores
- General Remarks: Description and illustration in Hodgson & Miller, 2010.
- MoghadWa2024: pp.108
Adult (F)
[Genera of Eriococcidae in Iran]
- MillerSt2022: pp.11-12
Adult (F)
[Nearctic genera of Eriococcidae]
- Hodgso2020: pp.19-22
Adult (M)
[Neococcoid higher taxa]
- GavrilKu2019: pp.223
Adult (F)
[Eriococcidae on Salix]
- KondoGuCo2016: pp.475-476
Adult (F)
[Genera of the Eriococcidae of South America]
- KozarKaKo2013: pp.62-63
Adult (F)
[Key to genera of Acanthococcidae]
- PellizKo2011: pp.58
Adult (F)
[Key to the genera of Eriococcidae in Europe]
- HardyBeGu2011: pp.502-504
Adult (F)
[Key to the adult females of genera of felt scales on Eucalyptus and Corymbia]
- HodgsoMaMi2011: pp.54-55
Adult (F)
[Key to the Eriococcidae of the Neotropical Region based on the morphology of adult females]
- HodgsoMaMi2011: pp.71
Adult (F)
Adult (M)
Immature (F)
Immature (M)
[Key to the Genera of the Eriococcidae of the Neotropical Region based the morphology of the adult males]
- HardyBeGu2011: pp.502-504
Adult (F)
[Key to the adult females of genera of felt scales on Eucalyptus and Corymbia]
- HodgsoMaMi2011: pp.54-55
Adult (F)
[Key to the Eriococcidae of the Neotropical Region based on the morphology of adult females]
- HodgsoMaMi2011: pp.71
Adult (F)
Adult (M)
Immature (F)
Immature (M)
[Key to the Genera of the Eriococcidae of the Neotropical Region based the morphology of the adult males]
- HodgsoMi2010: pp.90-92
[Key to the Genera of the Eriococcidae of South America]
- KozarKo2008: pp.140-142
Adult (F)
[Modified key to genera of the Eriococcidae of Neotropical Region]
- KozarKo2008a: pp.256-257
Adult (F)
[Key to Genera of Eriococcidae in Western Palaearctic Region]
- KaydanKo2008: pp.6
Adult (F)
[Eriococcidae genera of the western Paleartic Region]
- Koszta1996: pp.226
Adult (F)
[Key to Genera of Eriococcidae]
- Gill1993: pp.155
Adult (F)
[Key to the California Genera of Eriococcidae]
- MillerMi1993: pp.6
Adult (F)
[Key to Genera of Eriococcidae of the Eastern U.S.]
- MillerMi1992: pp.3
Adult (F)
[Acanthococcus species in the Western U.S.]
- MillerLiHo1992: pp.514
Adult (F)
[nstars of Acanthococcus and most Eriococcidae]
- MillerLiHo1992: pp.514
Adult (F)
[Instars of Acanthococcus and most Eriococcidae]
- Miller1991: pp.334
Adult (F)
[Acanthococcus species that infest Atriplex sp.]
- Danzig1986a: pp.238
Adult (F)
[Key to Eriococcidae genera of the far-eastern USSR ]
- Terezn1982: pp.34
Adult (F)
[Key to genera of the Ukraine ]
- Terezn1981: pp.14, 52
Adult (F)
[Key to genera of the Ukraine ]
- Danzig1980b: pp.238
Adult (F)
[Key to the genera of the Far-Eastern USSR]
- Danzig1975a: pp.42
Adult (F)
[Acanthococcus species of the far eastern USSR]
- Danzig1971d: pp.820
Adult (F)
[Key to genera of Eriococidae]
- Borchs1949: pp.321-322
Adult (F)
[Key to Eriococcinae genera of the USSR]
Associated References
- Boraty1962:
description, taxonomy, pp. 55
- Borchs1948:
taxonomy, pp. 501
- Borchs1948a:
taxonomy, pp. 953,956
- Borchs1949:
description, distribution, taxonomy, pp. 321, 331-351
- Borchs1960e:
taxonomy, pp. 916
- CockerRo1909SA:
description, taxonomy, pp. 169
- CookGu2001:
description, physiology, taxonomy, pp. 59-66
- Danzig1964:
distribution, structure, pp. 632
- Danzig1971d:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 821
- Danzig1975a:
taxonomy, pp. 42-55
- Danzig1980b:
description, taxonomy, pp. 205-226
- Danzig1986a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 238, 239-265
- Danzig1988:
taxonomy, pp. 707-709
- Ferris1957c:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 85
- FoldiKo2007:
taxonomy, pp. 2
- GavrilKu2019:
key, pp. 223
- Gill1993:
taxonomy, pp. 155
- HardyBeGu2011:
taxonomy, pp. 502-503
- HodgsoMaMi2011:
taxonomy, pp. 54-55, 71
- HodgsoMi2010:
description, illustration, taxonomy, pp. 6-9
- Hoy1962:
taxonomy, pp. 28
- Kaweck1957:
taxonomy, pp. 198
- Kaweck1985:
taxonomy, pp. 27
- Kohler1998:
catalog, distribution, taxonomy, pp. 371-386
- KondoGuCo2016:
key, pp. 476
- Koszta1996:
description, distribution, taxonomy, pp. 18,28,225-227,250
- KosztaBeKo1986:
taxonomy, pp. 21
- KosztaKo1978:
description, taxonomy, pp. 67-76
- KosztaKo1988F:
description, distribution, taxonomy, pp. 274-277,287,298
- Koteja1974:
taxonomy, pp. 275,294-295
- Koteja1974a:
physiology, pp. 248
- Koteja1974b:
physiology, pp. 77
- Koteja1980:
physiology, pp. 74
- KotejaZa1972:
taxonomy, pp. 207
- KotejaZa1979:
taxonomy, pp. 674
- KotejaZa1983:
taxonomy, pp. 476
- Kozar2009:
distribution, host, pp. 111, 113
- KozarKaKo2013:
description, distribution, host, illustration, structure, taxonomy, pp. 9, 72-179
- KozarKo2008:
description, pp. 128
- KozarKo2008a:
taxonomy, pp. 257
- KozarWa1985:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 73
- Lindin1933a:
taxonomy, pp. 107
- Lindin1933a:
taxonomy, pp. 116
- Lindin1937:
taxonomy, pp. 178
- Lindin1957:
taxonomy, pp. 543
- Maskel1879:
description, taxonomy, pp. 217
- Miller1991:
taxonomy, pp. 334
- MillerGi1996:
taxonomy, pp. 597-606
- MillerGi2000:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 20
- MillerLiHo1992:
taxonomy, pp. 512-523
- MillerMi1992:
description, taxonomy, pp. 2
- MillerMi1993:
description, taxonomy, pp. 6-7, 72
- MillerSt2022:
diagnosis, key, taxonomy, pp. 11, 12
- MillerWi1976:
taxonomy, pp. 118-123
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 1
- NastChKl1990:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 120
- OuvrarKo2009:
host, phylogeny, taxonomy, pp. 101-118
- PooleGe1997:
distribution, pp. 354
- Sharip1979a:
biological control, distribution, pp. 135, 137, 138
- Signor1875b:
description, distribution, taxonomy, pp. 20,29,35-37
- SzitaKoKo2011:
description, taxonomy, pp. 36
- TanakaKa2023:
diagnosis, pp. 388
- TangHa1995:
description, distribution, taxonomy, pp. 448
- Terezn1977:
description, taxonomy, pp. 570
- Terezn1981:
distribution, host, taxonomy, pp. 13, 14
- Terezn1982:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 34,35
- TranfaMa1988:
taxonomy, pp. 610
- Wang1974:
taxonomy, pp. 329
- Willia1969a:
taxonomy, pp. 318
218 Species